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Good news for HC - Printable Version

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Good news for HC - Chaerophon - 06-14-2003

Just found this on

Quote:Delayed Hostilities - Gaile [16:43:PST]

Blizzard has revealed that there are new measures in place to help control PKing. Once such measure will now disable the hostile player's ability to use portals or waypoints for five seconds. This long-requested feature will address some PK hacks and will furnish a margin of escape time for those who have been hostiled.

There is a link included to the Blizzard website, but it's not working correctly, so I'll take this as proof for now :)

Good news for HC - Archon_Wing - 06-15-2003


Good news for HC - Tiffany_Scott - 06-15-2003

The new Hostile Delay Timer doesn't work properly. Blizz is working on fixing it. Geoff Frazier talks about it in his latest Bnet thread. So Hardcore players (me included!) better not change their paranoid playing habits in pubby games...

Good news for HC - Sickywicky - 06-15-2003

I'll remain paranoid on hc too. Nowadays I hardly play in any public games, just private with my friends. It is quite a loss for the d2 community since I'd give my spare unique's to random players. The fact is those 1337 HaCkZ0rZ scared me off the pubby's since I don't want my non-cookiecutter pvm chars to be killed by hacking cookiecutter pvp chars. :huh:

Good news for HC - Chaerophon - 06-15-2003

Whoops! That made it surprisingly far down considering that it was only made a day before! Sorry!

Good news for HC - Taem - 06-16-2003

Another good reason to get rid of the whole hostility/pk'ing thing and just make a mutual hostility button. Why would anyone bother going hostile now when people have plenty of time to leave unless chasing out annoying people? But now this goes both ways where you get hostiled and have to leave the game because of PKers which ruins your game. Seems like a mutual hostility button would be nice. Although, IMO, Arenas would be IDEAL!!!

Good news for HC - CelticHound - 06-16-2003

Now the thread has been deleted and a new one put up. They just figured out the obvious flaw in their implementation. Putting a delay on using portals/waypoints does nothing to address a couple other common PK exploits - the trigger hack using guided arrow and (to a lessor extent) Hydra, Firewall, etc.

I'd think a better fix would be to have the hostiler's game pause for five or ten seconds before hostility kicks in. (And to have the hostile sound go off immedately for the victims, so they know what they are up against.)

Kinda clueless on Blizzard's part, but they may not have been able to make a proper fix server side. And the players were a bit naive in trusting that this would prevent the trigger hack.

-- CH

Good news for HC - kandrathe - 06-16-2003

Like a klaxon sound, and your screen flashing with a reddish tinge... Heh...

Good news for HC - CelticHound - 06-17-2003

Yes, it's a noxious sound, isn't it?

I meant that though the effects of going hostile should be delayed for the person pushing the button, the (existing) hostile notification should still be sent immediately to rest of the people in the game. I could just see a delay like that getting implemented where the victims don't get the notification until after the hostile is out and hunting...

Optimistic as always,

-- CH

Good news for HC - Magus_Omin - 06-17-2003

Why don't they jut nip this thing in the bud? It seems that the majority of HC players dislike hostility, why not just have no hostility in hard-core, true it may be extremely unfun for those pvp out there, but heck I'd rather play knowing no one is gonna pop up and kill me in a few seconds and i have to leave and ruin a fine game. But i guess Blizzard knows best. <_<
