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Feral Rage - Vash - 06-26-2003

Which of Feral Rage's bonuses apply even when feral rage is not being used? Only the fast run and life leech?

Feral Rage - WarBlade - 06-26-2003

It gives an AR injection too IIRC. Just keep your character screen open and watch the values change when it wears off.

Feral Rage - Nicodemus Phaulkon - 06-26-2003

but I don't think so. AR remains constant on my Fury after Feral's charges disperse; no obvious LCS indication of a lingering AR bonus.

Feral Rage - Vash - 06-26-2003

Obviously the fast run lingers. I've noticed that my AR and damage for any of my skills don't change at all as I charge up (even for Feral Rage). I will test in a moment if life leech lingers.

So...question...the AR and damage information for Feral Rage is based on my damage and AR once I am completely charged up and not my CURRENT AR and damage based on my current intermediate charge level?

Maybe I should enter that previous sentence into the contest...

Edit: Yes, the life leech carries over to other skills.

Edit2: Yet another question: Does it always take only 3 hits to charge up Feral Rage?

Feral Rage - Striker - 06-27-2003

Vash,Jun 26 2003, 06:35 PM Wrote:Edit2: Yet another question:  Does it always take only 3 hits to charge up Feral Rage?
If you mean 3 hits for a full charge, yes.

Of course, the number of swings it takes to get those 3 hits is another story... ;)

Feral Rage - WarBlade - 06-27-2003

:o I haven't really looked at it since 1.08. Brain fart in getting it mixed up with Heart of Wolverine Aura I suppose. <_<

Feral Rage - Nicodemus Phaulkon - 06-27-2003

Feral charges up in percentage steps for Leech and Run/Walk.

At early levels (like, 1st), Feral does indeed only take three hits to fully charge, as the top end of the leech is 12 (12%/3 hits = 4% per hit -- slvl 1 Feral leech is 4-12%). Once it hits much higher levels, it takes several hits to fully charge one's Feral (On my big wuff, it takes 14 hits (starting at 4% and topping out at 56%). For Werebears, Maul mirrors this.. taking more and more hits to fully exploit the top end bonuses.

The Fast Run/Walk is similar, speeding your wuff in stages as more and more charge builds. It's not quite as clean a math as the leeching, but it's similar enough.

However, the AR and the Damage percentages are constant, independant of the amount of charging. They remain constant whether you're fully charged or completely devoid of that whirling red star of joy.

Feral Rage - Vash - 06-27-2003

So life leech goes up by 4% per hit at every level of feral rage? How do you know this to be true?

And I can see from the Arreat Summit stats that the fast run calculations are indeed more complicated.

Feral Rage - Striker - 06-27-2003

I did not know that. Usually I just take a couple of swings with my (admittedly low) Feral Rage and when I see a fairly large ball spin around me, I go nuts with Fury. Thanks for clearing that up.

So is there a quick way to determine the relative charge that you have going, other than the speed at which the wolf zips around? Are there intermediate sizes of the red orb, or would they increase in such small amounts as to not be noticable?

Edit: Meant as a reply to Nico, to be clearer. Keep forgetting the title resets after previewing. Doh!

Feral Rage - Nicodemus Phaulkon - 06-27-2003

Feral's graphic changes and enlarges itself as its power builds. Please ignore the Oak-aura in the images... I turn the thing on by sheer habit.

When you make your first strike, you'll find yourself orbited by this fellow, who we'll call "Dot":

[Image: feral1.JPG]

At slvl 1, Dot is worth 4% leech and 19% faster run/walk. After Dot comes his bigger brother, "Smudge":

[Image: feral2.JPG]

Smudge gets his hand-me-downs from his bigger sibling, "Saturn":

[Image: feral3.JPG]

Saturn, in turn (*wince*) gets his example set by his bigger version, "Starburst":

[Image: feral4.JPG]

Which brings us to the Eldest sibling in the Feral Family, "Full Monty":

[Image: feral5.JPG]

Now, then...

For an slvl 1 Feral Rage, you'll only ever be introduced to Dot, Smudge and Saturn. Later on in the skill, as you get to know the family better, you'll meet Starburst, and then finally Monty. Once you start to REALLY get to know them, you'll find you have to spend more time with each of them during battle. To wit:

For the first 3 hits of my Feral, I show Dot. For the next 3, Smudge. On hit #7, Saturn shows up... all the way until Monty shows up and I know that it's time to switch over to Fury.

*shrugs* There's my scientific method, Gents; subject to the scythes of the better informed code divers among us.

*tips helm*

Feral Rage - kier - 06-27-2003

Lol, nice names :D

Only the life leech and faster run/walk carries on to other skills, but this is still an awsome skill to use with fury. Before using this tactic, my druid couldn't be surounded by cows, but now he's a tank :)