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DPT returns - Printable Version

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DPT returns - Premezilla - 07-13-2003

I'm a bit rusty at this, so bear with me....

W-w-word up, to the masses,

Did you guys miss me? Well, I finally cooled down a bit about all the hacks and cheats and stuff and......
*glances at the D2 news section*
............WHOA! The beta test is out! Why didn't anyone let me know?
Well, anyway, I was just wondering, Occhi, did you write another part to your story? I seem to recall the last part had the hero in a jail cell...but was there another after that?
Okay, just wanted to ask if theres new variants and stuff in the Pandemonium Fortress. And if anyone is interested. Okay. Peace ez.

2 cents have been collected....or something like that........

(I'll get back into the groove in a while)

*EDIT by the way does anyone know if LL has hit the 1,000 member mark yet? Personally, i feel kinda proud to be number 127 after having seen number 900-something. Charter memberships all around! Oh, and I saw something called "grammar slammer", can anyone elaborate for me? Muchos mahalos)

DPT returns - [wcip]Angel - 07-13-2003


I find it .. disturbing .. that there are anyone on the
Lounge who, willingly actually envokes the phrase "word up."

You cooled a bit regarding hacks and cheats? Meaning
you don't use as many cheats now as you did before?


Welcome back to the board.

DPT returns - Premezilla - 07-14-2003


No, no, I stopped playing D2 because one of my "friends" online managed to rip off most of my items, so I needed to get away from the hustle and bustle of the D2 world. At least until the patch comes out.