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I need to contact Jarulf - Obsidian Zodiac - 07-14-2003

Hello, my name is Andrew. I am a die hard fan of Diablo on the PC and Playstation. I also play Hellfire and Diablo 2 Lord Of Destruction on a daily basis. I have noticed that in the Jarulf guide to Diablo and Hellfire, the major and minor differences between the PSX and PC versions are not provided in any detail other than the fact that it is supposedly identical to PC version 1.04 with the lack of battlenet. However, there are many, many differences between these two versions and I am here to inform anyone who is interested.

My goal is to contact Jarulf, ask him to verify and add these differences to his guide, and to credit me for supplying them. If this is not possible I will write my own guide and most likely submit it to gamefaqs. I have been unsuccessful at contacting the man himself at this point so I am hoping my post here will either help me find him personally or through another contact. Here are all the differences I have found so far...

*Black Death monsters do not permanently deduct one life point any more.

*There are no Balrog or balrog family monsters present in the game at all.

*The game can be set to a faster playing speed so stuff like walking speed,
hit recovery, and attack speeds of monsters and players are altered severely.

*The game has a high resolution therefore more of the screen can be seen.

*Unique items convert to full gold value upon saving your character and
entering new games.

*Saved characters can be used in single and or multiplayer games.

*Nightmare and Hell difficulties are easily accessable for single and
multiplayer modes with the same level requirements as the battlenet.

*The Teleport and Phasing spells, scrolls, and staves do NOT appear in
multiplayer mode. They also deactivate upon entering multiplayer games,
however your spell levels are memorized and can be reactivated upon reading another book. This is especially dangerous for Rogues and Warriors because if they have teleport or phasing at a high level that requires 255 MAG to read the next book and then they enter a 2P game and the spells are deactivated and they save their character and enter a one player game, they can not reactivate the spell because they can never reach 255 MAG to read the book and reactive the spell. Enchanted shrines will not reactivate the spells either as the spells are not reduced to spell level zero. I believe the scrolls and staves are converted to full gold value.

*A Staff or Book of Bone Spirit is not available in the game anywhere. Only
by use of a game shark can you acquire the spell. It is then given spell
level zero and must be increased by Enchanted Shrines.

*There is an EXP glitch. You can not receive more than a certain amount of
exp from a monster. Excessing the exp limit converts all exp earned to zero.
For example, a level 35 character can not receive any experience from a high
level monster such as a Blood Knight or a Soul Burner. I haven't researched
every monster for every exp level, but this is the way it is in general. I am not sure what the EXP cap is, but if you exceed it at all, it converts to zero.
This is very frustrating for people who wish to hit level 50 and max exp. I have done it before, but it took forever. It is even more frustrating considering the next major difference.

*Quick dungeon access shortcuts when you reach the required level do not
apply anymore. The only way to unlock a dungeon shortcut is to open it from
behind. So when you start a new game with a high level character, you must play thru the entire game.

*Blood knights are still inside the game, but do NOT appear on level 16 at
all. They were replaced by grey skeletons called Hell Horrors. Sir Gorash also
appears to look like a skeleton. I believe the hell horrors exist in diablo
pc's data, but never actually appear in the game.

*No visible kill count. Enemy resistances and immunities show up just like in
the pc version tho.

*the lazarus fmv is played immediately upon entering the unholy altar instead of being played after unlocking his secret chamber.

*Diablo says something in a different language I believe upon entering level
16. the game is also not completely frozen after defeating him. You can save
your characters and options, but not your game.

I believe this is everything. I realize this what a lengthy post, but hopefully it was informative.

I need to contact Jarulf - Pren - 07-14-2003

"*Quick dungeon access shortcuts when you reach the required level do not
apply anymore. The only way to unlock a dungeon shortcut is to open it from
behind. So when you start a new game with a high level character, you must play thru the entire game."

This is the same as it is in regular diablo/hellfire single player.

I need to contact Jarulf - Phredreeke - 07-14-2003

actually, Hellfire SP allows you to enter as soon as you reach the required level. maybe you have to make a new game, I'm not sure.

I need to contact Jarulf - Obsidian Zodiac - 07-14-2003

so it is the same for single player diablo classic? thanx man for confirming that. i havent played diablo classic in years. i always play hellfire. if i ever play classic, i play it online. anyways, will Jarulf ever come by here and pick up my post? Or does he visit other forums here? I wasnt sure where to post this... Does anyone know what board he frequents?

I need to contact Jarulf - Occhidiangela - 07-14-2003

That is a mod forum, seek the link on the Lurker Lounge Diablo II main page.

I need to contact Jarulf - Yrrek - 07-14-2003

Hello Obsidian,
Your first post was beautiful, minimal or no grammar and spelling mistakes, then....this atrocity. Why the change? I'm not trying to be mean, but I had a good opinion of you from your first post, then on your second it seems like you moved in and are already walkin' around with only your underpants on. Try to stick to your first post style, it is much more pleasing to the eye! By the way, welcome to the Lounge! :)

I need to contact Jarulf - Obsidian Zodiac - 07-15-2003

Oh! I am so sorry! Let me fix it for you... (puts on pants and zips up fly). There. Is that better? But seriously, thank you for the warm welcome. I am glad to be here.

I am the self proclaimed biggest Playstation Diablo fan in the entire world. Hahaha!!! I hope my arrogance does not offend anyone, but I play the game almost every day for unhealthy amounts of time. Most of my free time is dedicated to playing or talking about the Diablo series with my friends, brother, and other people online.

I have taken an interest in the PSX version of the original PC classic because it was actually the first version of the game that I played. My friend showed it to me on the PC one day and I became immediately interested in it. I then went out and bought it for Playstation after I found out Blizzard had ported it. I think one of the reasons I like it on the PSX so much is because the single player mode allows you to easily access the harder difficulties and I am more of a fan of the single play than the multiplay. I am not much of a fan of the cooperative play, but I really dig legit player duels.

For a while I could not play Diablo 2 because the only computer I had in my house did not meet the processor speed requirements. Now I have a better computer in my own room but have not yet gotten an internet connection. This has left me feeling lonely in many of my Diablo 1 and 2 quests, but I have actually grown to like my own independence. My concentration and focus on the game is much better as well. Whenever I play Diablo 1 on the pc, I play hellfire so I can access the higher difficulties and explore the new dungeons.

I actually forgot to mention one minor difference...

*Pepin the Healer does not offer the option to heal you, but rather he automatically heals you upon speaking to him, just as in hellfire.


*The PSX experience cap is still under research, but it is close to 30,000 EXP. A little odd number after that, but this is basically it. Any large amount over this number converts all EXP won to zero. Bummer!

*I may have to check the dungeon shorcuts for a multiplayer game. Like I said, I do not play multiplayer often, so I am not sure if they are there in that mode. And before I had no idea single player on the PC did not offer them to players who met the required levels.

So will Jarulf appear on the forum you directed me to? I would really like to see if he is interested in my info. If not, I can always write the guide myself, but since the guide is well known and incredibly informative, I thought the info would find a nice home in his guide.

I need to contact Jarulf - Occhidiangela - 07-15-2003

Last I checked, Jarulf had said that he was about done revising his guide at version 1.62. I suggest that you head on over the Prhozen Keep, or post a link to this thread at the Griswold's Shop forum moderated by Lemming of Glory. He will either reply or not depending on how busy he is.

If you don't try at Phrozen Keep, you can't get an answer to your question. Head on over there, check out the various threads and find a post Jarulf is in. Or, PM him here, he may answer.

More help than that you will have to get from Jarulf.

I need to contact Jarulf - yangman - 07-15-2003

Obsidian Zodiac,Jul 15 2003, 04:34 AM Wrote:*The PSX experience cap is still under research, but it is close to 30,000 EXP. A little odd number after that, but this is basically it. Any large amount over this number converts all EXP won to zero. Bummer!
The maximum value allowed for a 16-bit signed integer is 32767.

Looks like a variation on "wrap around" error to me.

I need to contact Jarulf - Obsidian Zodiac - 07-16-2003

THANX for that info about the exp cap! But i cant find the phrozen keep forum. i will try griswolds shop. if Jarulf doesnt want to update his guide, can i maybe write a guide for the differences here? all of them are pretty much stated here in this topic. I can edit it to make it more coherent. for example, my one post with the teleport and phasing spell explanation is just horribly worded.

I need to contact Jarulf - Oomph-aak - 07-16-2003

The Phrozen Forums

Good Luck!


I need to contact Jarulf - Obsidian Zodiac - 07-16-2003

thanx for the link, but i am gonna just give up on finding him. anyone here is welcome to use my info and ask him if he would like to update his guide with it. i know it seems strange to come all this way and then give up, but i am seriously just lazy. its amazing i came this far! for more info on the exp cap, check out my topic, does anyone know where jarulf is?, on the griswold shop board. there i explain in detail the exp cap and wrap around glitch. i think my laziness will be explained as i am too lazy to post a link. sorry! later!

I need to contact Jarulf - pakman - 07-16-2003

Not l33T