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Almost inmune to lighting - Printable Version

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Almost inmune to lighting - icelord - 07-25-2003

Hello every one, has been a while.

Straight to the point:
My lvl 80 assassin it's "almost inmune to lighting", the equipament is this:
All the Natalya's set with the next thing on it:
The helm with +10 to vitally (A rune that now I don't remember what is), by the way is useless
The armor with +5 to maximum ligthing resistance (A rune)

Also I have the Bartuc Cuttroath.
The Dwarf Star ring (15 magic damage reduced)
A rare ring with 20-30 ligthing resist.
The Thundergod vigor (I think it's that the name it's a unique war belt) +10 to maximum ligthing resist and ligth absorb.
The hellmout war gauntlets (I don't know why)
And a ton of charms of ligthing resistance.

With all that I have 90 ligthing resistance.
33 magic damage reduced
Ligth absorb.

All lighting damage bellow 700 it's child's play for me. :D

Some time ago I saw a post that say how to make a barbarian "almost inmune to Phisical", Any of you know how to make characters almost inmune to the other elementals (especially fire. ouch Diablo)

Almost inmune to lighting - Nicodemus Phaulkon - 07-25-2003

Go visit the Gloams in the Icy Cellar; find their Leader/Boss surrounded by his groupies. Let me know how it goes. ;)

Almost inmune to lighting - Brista - 07-26-2003

Irathas + Guardian Angel + 4 Diamond resists pally shield. Make resists up to 95% with charms

Still leaves space for Lightsabre, Ravenfrost and Dwarf Star

That's pretty much immune to Lightning, Cold and Fire

A druid with Iratha's, max resists and maxxed Cyclone Armour also gets very very hard to damage with elemental attacks

Almost inmune to lighting - Dozer - 07-26-2003

95% light resist + two lightsabres + Tgods = total lightning Ownage.
2 Flamebellows (1.10 balrog Blade) + two dwarf stars + Rising Sun = total fire Ownage

Almost inmune to lighting - lemekim - 07-26-2003

Dozer,Jul 26 2003, 05:28 PM Wrote:95% light resist + two lightsabres + Tgods = total lightning Ownage.
2 Flamebellows (1.10 balrog Blade) + two dwarf stars + Rising Sun = total fire Ownage
If you are talking about 1.10, then from my testing it seems the absorb is now capped at 37.5% (or 75% total damage reduction). So in theory, you can't go completely immune anymore. But in practice of course, that last setup should be good enough, as long as you max fire resist.

Almost inmune to lighting - Baajikiil - 07-28-2003

Quote:95% light resist + two lightsabres + Tgods = total lightning Ownage.

In 1.09 just 2 lightsabres made you completely immune to lighting. Of course(IIRC), you take the damage before you take the healing, so you need to survive the impact in the first place...

As for the other people:
Be sure to test your immunity vs conviction bosses, and not just normal ones. 95% resist will not be enough.

Almost inmune to lighting - Loschonorg - 07-29-2003

i believe absorb mods add life first then reduce it with damage inflicted. but death can still occur when this damage inflicted exceeds maximum life.


Almost inmune to lighting - whyBish - 08-10-2003

Well, for physical resistance/immunity the necro and sorc make good tanks (in theory). The necros bone armor gets decent synergies (1.5k absorb ?) but costs 60 skill points. Not sure if 50% phsical damage reduce or -DR will reduce the amount of damage to the bone armor.
The sorc can get about 16% damage taken 50% physical damage reduced gear and energy shield (using + skills to get it to an acceptable level, doesn't need more than a few base points), and tk/warmth to help keep the mana side up. note that the TK will need actual skill points spent. Maybe costing 40 skill points or so for 10 warmth, 20 tk, 10 ES (and decent + lit skills to increase it). The benefit of the sorc is that she can still get 20/20 in a skill by level 75 or so. Not too bad a setup for HC. If she goes with an all lightning sorc she should be set (static at base + skills, 20/20 CL/LM)
AS always, -DR should not be disregarded by a build. With some tradeoffs 75-115 is achievable (25 from amulet, 32 from sol-socketed magic circlet, 28 from 4 socketed gothic armor, possibly using shield slot with a bought amicae shield 2 sock for 32). Not sure how that stacks up against the new monster damage though...

Almost inmune to lighting - kier - 08-10-2003

They may of changed it again, buuuut (yes, bad grammer :P )

*In 1.09 Dr is capped at 75%
*in1.10 DR is capped at 50%

They had sneaked that in there patch changes, and im not reading through all the changes to check that again :P And im pretty sure 2 Lights doesnt make u absorb all Light damage. Got told off for saying that on here^^

Your best bet is to get 95% light res then as much damage reduce as humany possible ^^
