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Does slomo of holy freeze and decrepify stack? - Printable Version

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Does slomo of holy freeze and decrepify stack? - LucianDK - 07-27-2003

I am wondering if you can slow monsters down to an utter crawl with combining the two. Or doesnt it work like that?

Does slomo of holy freeze and decrepify stack? - TaiDaishar - 07-27-2003

LucianDK,Jul 27 2003, 11:06 AM Wrote:I am wondering if you can slow monsters down to an utter crawl with combining the two. Or doesnt it work like that?
I'm not an expert but I believe that combining the two really does slow the monsters down but not in additive way.

Meaning that if you slowed a monster by 25% and then slowed it with some other thing (lets say Decrepify) for another 25% the dec will take the currect monster speed and slow it by 25%, making that instead of having the monster slowed by 50% it'll be slowed by lower percentage, around 33% I think, too lazy to do actual math now :)

Does slomo of holy freeze and decrepify stack? - Brista - 07-30-2003

I'm working on a Decrepify/Clay Golem Necro with Holy Freeze when I get there. I've got him a pair of Cleglaws Gloves and am hoping for either Riphook or Kelpie Snare - if I get the time to develop him amongst other projects.

Interestingly the patch readme says that the desynch associated with Slow shouldn't be quite so bad as before. Not gone, but not quuite so bad :P

Does slomo of holy freeze and decrepify stack? - ImpressiveOne - 07-30-2003

decript and clay golem are enough to slow down duriel/meph/diablo/baal, :)