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Is Blind bugged? - Printable Version

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Is Blind bugged? - LucianDK - 08-12-2003

According to the areat summit you cant blind the following monsters..

This will not work on Super Unique Monsters and Bosses.

But you are NOT able to blind normal random unique monsters, NOR champion monsters!

As i understand it, you are unable to blind superuniques, which is those who always spawn, like izual or blood raven. And then the 5 act bosses. But as it is now, you can only blind normal and minion type monsters.

Also, wasnt there something about that oblivion knights cant be cursed or something? Just like you cant pick them with revive.

Is Blind bugged? - Obi2Kenobi - 08-13-2003

Other things that don't work on any of those (including OKs) are confuse, attract, terror, taunt, stun(?), CoS (not sure if this works on OKs or not), and probably some more.

Is Blind bugged? - librarian - 08-13-2003


all AI afflicting curses - Terror, DV, CO, AT - don't work on
- Champions (incl subclasses)
- Unique and Superunique Bosses (everyone with a name of its own)
- Oblivion Mages in CS
- Suicide Kamikaze Frogs in Act5 (y'know which I mean...)
- Putrified Defilers in Act5 (whatever the spelling is, the ones who inject Pain Worms in other monsters)
- all immobile monsters (Mummy Scarcophags, Crow Nests, Doors and suchlike)
- Baal's Tentacles

The only monster class which cannot be cursed at all is the Possessed Champion subclass.

Still plenty of use for DV with the rest IMHO :-)

Is Blind bugged? - Crystalion - 08-13-2003

librarian,Aug 13 2003, 02:38 PM Wrote:all AI afflicting curses - Terror, DV, CO, AT - don't work on
It might be useful, if you or anyone else happens to know, to classify the "AI" curses: Taunt and CoS which also have a non-AI component (reduce damage output, reduce defense) as to whether they have such effect even without the AI being affected.

For example, although I've not tested explictly for it, I believe I've seen monsters not "blinded" by Cloak of Shadows nonetheless have the little smoky cloud above their heads, and I've wondered if their DR was reduced.

Is Blind bugged? - librarian - 08-13-2003


well, when I curse Decrepify upon a PI monster, the lowering of physical resistance is (in 1.09) useless, but the slowing and dam output reducing still works.

It would be a kind of logic, if Taunt and Cos work on the same principles ... what cannot be affected won't be, but the other effects still work ...
... but I can't help you here with testings, it is more or less a wild guess, and we all know that if something sounds logically it is no proof that it really works this way ;-)