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Formulae for Blessed Hammer Damage. - Printable Version

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Formulae for Blessed Hammer Damage. - nannan - 08-18-2003

If you know it already, skip to the next topic. In case not, it might be interesting to get an idea of how it works in patch 1.10beta. ;)

I got the new formula for hammer damage yesterday after testing in 1.10beta patch. ;)

hammer damage=[base damage+base damage*(blessed aim bonus+vigor bonus)]+[base damage+base damage*(blessed aim bonus+vigor bonus)]*concentration bonus*0.5

For example, on lvl20 blessed hammer, with concentration, vigor, blessed aim all max! :o
You get:

maximum damage=[200+200*(0.15*20+0.15*20)]*(1+0.5*345%)=3815! :rolleyes:

i.e. Without concentration aura on, you can reach 1400 maximum damage on lvl20 blessed hammer; with it on, you will reach 3815. The effect of concentration aura bonus on blessed hammer is half as that for other physical damage. :(

After skill lvl22 hammer base damage +14 per lvl
After skill lvl28 hammer base damage +16 per lvl

On lvl30 hammer base damage= 336-340
On lvl40 hammer base damage= 496-500

With 40lvl in combat skill, and 30lvl in aura skill, you will reach a damage of 14787.5
With 30lvl in combat skill, and 25lvl in aura skill, you will reach a damage of 7378.0

I think the second Hammerdin is not that hard for everyone, for you can find your +skill weapons even in NPCs' shop. Hehe...You will kill many monsters in 1 hit in hell with this guy. What's more? Damage will be doubled to undead monsters, which occupy over 60% of total monsters in hell! :D

One more thing to remember, even with skill lvl higher than 20, vigor and blessed aim will only work as maximum level of 20, +skill items for these two do not bring additional synergies damage bonus to hammer damage! :(

Recommended skill spells:

Blessed hammer, vigor, blessed aim, concentration aura all max!
1 holy shield
1 conversion
1 meditation
1 salvation
with 11 spells passing by.
Rest all go into conversion, or holy shield if you like.

Finished, and I hope you will find joy trying such a hammerdin. :rolleyes:

This is the revised version, and I hope you guys can reply this time, forgetting my spelling mistakes in the last version. Thanks! :)

Formulae for Blessed Hammer Damage. - Ice - 08-18-2003

Just wondering... couldn't you have just simplified the damage formula into:

Hammer Damage = (base damage)*(1 + blessed aim bonus + vigor bonus)*(1 + conc bonus*0.5)

It's the same really, just that you have less repetitive terms.

Formulae for Blessed Hammer Damage. - nannan - 08-18-2003

Ice,Aug 18 2003, 06:47 AM Wrote:Just wondering... couldn't you have just simplified the damage formula into:

Hammer Damage = (base damage)*(1 + blessed aim bonus + vigor bonus)*(1 + conc bonus*0.5)

It's the same really, just that you have less repetitive terms.
Nice idea and good maths! Actually that is exactly the one I used in most repetitive calculations! lol

My long and boring formula is just for definition's sake,though. The others should take yours for self-testing. :rolleyes:

Thanks again for your suggestion! :)

Formulae for Blessed Hammer Damage. - Occhidiangela - 08-18-2003

Does a Merc's Blessed Aim boost BH damage?

Given that synergies are only supposed to work on "skill tab clicked skill points" this should not be a problem, however, it would be worth checking out to see if the "skill tabs" on the Merc bond with the Paladin's skill.

It would also be worth checking out if a Might merc adds synergy as well as Damage to Charge . . .

Formulae for Blessed Hammer Damage. - nannan - 08-18-2003

As you mentioned, synergies works only on "skill tab clicked skill points". So in case you click 10 times on Blessed Aim, it will bring you a maximum damage bonus of 0.15*10=1.5 to your blessed hammer. Additional +skill item does not bring more bonus for blessed aim to your hammer damage. This is my testing result, and I hope I have understood your question correctly. Feel free to ask if you are wrongly understood. :rolleyes:

p.s. Those +skill items still affect blessed hammer base damage and offensive aura! :rolleyes:

Formulae for Blessed Hammer Damage. - Occhidiangela - 08-18-2003

That there might be a bug or a loophole in re the Act II mercs.

Formulae for Blessed Hammer Damage. - Catflap - 08-21-2003

Bolty sez: "Is the hammerdin back?"

He never went away!i have 3 hammerdins on HC/Europe 1.09, one PvP/Pk, one "classic" build and my own custom build one.running around whacking things with naj's staff while whirling a few hammers, i love it :D
Anyway kudo's to Nannan for the testing, i was gonna do it myself but i'm a lazy bum.


Formulae for Blessed Hammer Damage. - Nicodemus Phaulkon - 08-21-2003

Quote:Anyway kudo's to Nannan for the testing, i was gonna do it myself but i'm a lazy bum.

You also can't write as eruditely as my own feline when it strays onto the keyboard. Everything I pointed out to nannan applies to you as well, neighbor. The fact that it was rewritten and reposted doesn't put the onus any less heavily on you.

However, in case you missed the fact that this entire thread was a "Mulligan" due to atrocious abuse of the Queen's English, here's the gist of it: Write like you know how to, instead of proving you don't want to try to. We'll all be more happy for the result.

*tips helm*

Formulae for Blessed Hammer Damage. - Catflap - 08-21-2003

Quote:here's the gist of it: Write like you know how to, instead of proving you don't want to try to. We'll all be more happy for the result.

Huh? Come again? :P
Let me play the foreigner card: English is my third language! please, be gentle! :ph34r:
I hope my english skills are good enough for people to roughly understand what i'm saying... :unsure:
Atleast i don't use internet elite-speak or abbreviations like "WTF, LOL, LMAO" etcetera etcetera.

Formulae for Blessed Hammer Damage. - GenericKen - 08-21-2003

Hammerdin = new old-new cookie-cutter

The synergy numbers are quite beefy, and the conc multiplier is multiplicative with the bonus. Blizzard's intentions here were quite clear.

I still got no idea what they were thinking with smite though.

Formulae for Blessed Hammer Damage. - nannan - 08-21-2003

GenericKen,Aug 21 2003, 06:37 AM Wrote:I still got no idea what they were thinking with smite though.
Please check my new post today. :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes:

Formulae for Blessed Hammer Damage. - Guest - 08-21-2003

Quote:i.e. Without concentration aura on, you can reach 1400 maximum damage on lvl20 blessed hammer; with it on, you will reach 3815.

tiny note: with a slvl 1 concentration on with synergies/BH maxed you get 1800 average, which is more than enough really.

since there are a lot of auras(salvation, sanctuary, defiance, meditation, redemption, holy freeze) that are good in conjuction with it, a good alternative build is putting only 1 in concentration and using that when you have it easy, then when it gets hard try some helping aura.

Quote:The effect of concentration aura bonus on blessed hammer is half as that for other physical damage. :(

since BH is magical that's more of a bonus than the 0% it should get.

Formulae for Blessed Hammer Damage. - nannan - 08-21-2003

Your idea of putting only one point in concentration sounds really new to me. Hehe... ;)

Usually I would prefer to learn a skill to full extent to show its power in hell...Anyway, I will try out your suggestion and find what other alternatives can offer us. :rolleyes:

Btw. Damage can never be too high in hell, what do you think? :D

Formulae for Blessed Hammer Damage. - rashban - 08-22-2003

Yeah, the hammerdin is powerful. I've played a hammerdin up to level 84, he can solo hell without any problems. Although he isn't as powerful as a fully-twinked poison necro or some other ridiculously overpowered build, he is very powerful as a first charcter, since he doesn't require any powerful uniques/runewords (Good luck finding Bramble legit).

Things to note: Blessed hammer scales _FAST_ at higher levels. My hammerdin does about 6000 damage per hammer. A skill shrine boosts this to 7000, and he doesn't have any über gear. He uses things like a 4-diamond paladin shield, a Lore circlet, a magical scepter with +2 concentration and +2 all paladin skill levels, +1 paladin skills amulet etc.

My build:
Max blessed hammer, concentration, vigor, blessed aim
1 in salvation
the rest in holy shield (around level 5 now).

Enough strength to use decent equipment (around 100)
Enough dex for max block with holy shield
no Energy
the rest in vitality

Pick up all socketed paladin shields you find. I found a very nice 4-socked sacred targe with +21% to all resistances. With 4 perfect diamonds that's 97% resist all, so maxed resists in hell is no problem. Shop for a +2 paladin skills scepter. Soloing at least players 4-5 or even 8 shouldn't be any problem at all until hell.

The best thing about a hammerdin? Only wailing beasts (yeti-type monsters in the temples in act 3) are immune to blessed hammer.
The worst thing: Maggot lair :(

Formulae for Blessed Hammer Damage. - TheDragoon - 08-22-2003

Aren't there some Greater Mummies that can also be immune to hammers? :)

Formulae for Blessed Hammer Damage. - unless - 08-22-2003

Hammer ignores undead/demon immunities, yes?

Formulae for Blessed Hammer Damage. - Occhidiangela - 08-22-2003

With a Merc, I'd recommend the Concentration be maxed. I boosts Merc's damage considerably, and as it goes up in level, its radius goes up, unlike Fanaticism's.

In a party, Concentration maxed, particularly if some other paladin shows up with Fanaticism, makes a significant difference in party killing power.


Solo? Synergy or Conc, a good question, and it looks to me as though you should probably max the synergy skills first, let + skills boost Concentration so you can put points into Mediation and / or Holy Shield.

Down Side: There are some parts of the game where you will want an ITD and CB weapon available due to Hammers Limitations.

Up Side: In a party, the Hammerdin helps clear things out in a hurry in most venues.

Formulae for Blessed Hammer Damage. - rashban - 08-22-2003

I wrote a little java application to help me figure out how to put skill points with my hammerdin. Is that cheating? ;)

Some examples:
With a total of 50 skill points used, a skill cap of 20, and +5 to BH and Concentration from items, the best way to put the skill points is:
20 Blessed hammer (total of 25)
8 Concentration (total of 13)
24 Synergies (total of 24)

With 25 skill points and a skill cap of 13 for blessed hammer and concentration (which will probably be similar to what you'll have when you're level 30), and no +skills from items, it's best to use
13 Blessed hammer
1 concentration
11 synergies

There are some other considerations as well, besides damage. Parties really like concentration, for example.

Formulae for Blessed Hammer Damage. - adeyke - 08-22-2003

(It's for sorcs but blessed hammer is also included. MadScientist made this and posted about it here somewhere. I saw the link on the LL's D2 news page).

Formulae for Blessed Hammer Damage. - Guest - 08-23-2003

Quote:Down Side: There are some parts of the game where you will want an ITD and CB weapon available due to Hammers Limitations.

you forgot pallys built in ITD, ITB, uninteruptable attack smite :P

i haven't thought about using CB at all though, strength(or some other low lvl runeword) gives 25% CB, that'd be good to have on a switch.