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RTS and Sims question - Premezilla - 09-21-2003

I haven't played a good RTS game since the days of Total Annihilation. Could anyone recommend a good game? I'm leaning toward Warcraft 3, but that's because it's the only game I've been hearing about. Could anyone shed some light on the subject for me? Thanks. Another thing: I'm seriosuly contemplating buying the Sims. Haven't gotten around to it yet, afraid of becoming glued to the computer. Any ideas? Thanks all.

RTS and Sims question - WarLocke - 09-21-2003

I'll recommend you two options:

1) MechCommander 1 (Preferably 'Gold') or 2
2) Homeworld, Homeworld: Cataclysm, or perhaps Homeworld 2

Those are simply (IMO at least) the best RTS games available, period. They all share persistent units, so instead of the "build a horde and rush" mentality that Warcraft/Starcraft type games revolve upon, you have to carefully choose your unit composition and try to conserve them, as every unit lost is one less you'll have next mission. Heck, MechCommander even adds pilot skill and damage to the mix.

The MC games take place in the Battletech universe(more info here); you command a company of battlemechs (8-to-12 meter tall bipedal war machines) in various sorties. In MC1 you're part of a regular army, but MC2's unit is a mercenary outfit, so you have to outfit yourself as best you can.

Homeworld is just a classic. It's a truly three-dimensional space-based RTS; instead of infantry and tanks you control a fleet composed of scout and interceptor fighters, attack bombers, frigates, destroyers, and your Mothership. The backstory, plot, and art style are simply superb, and gameplay is downright addicting (but in a good way). Relic even managed to weave in biblical references and overtones that seamlessly mesh with the overall tone of the game.

I haven't played Cataclysm and have only played HW2's demo, so I don't feel I can comment on them. However, I will say that HW2 is downright gorgeous even on my no-longer-SOTA rig (1ghz, GeForce 2 MX, 512mb) with most of the extras turned down or off. Homeworld (1) does show its' age (1999) in the individual ship models, but the overall effect of a fleet engagement is still awe-inspiring.

My sig is a screencap from HW2 incidentally; those are the new-style interceptors (much purdier than HW1's).

RTS and Sims question - Jester - 09-21-2003

Cast my vote for Warcraft 3, with the Frozen Throne tacked on. It's fun, it's fast, it's much less stupid than Warcraft 3 sans-expansion.

I enjoy it, anyway. It's a nicely balanced game (pending a patch or two to iron out some kinks) even if it is no starcraft.

As for the Sims: Find it for cheap/free, get all the fun out of putting your toilet in the living room, buying all the stuff, killing off a sim or two, build a couple of successful families, etc... It's not exactly a difficult or profound game, but it's good for some fun. Do NOT buy the online version. It's disgustingly bad.


RTS and Sims question - Premezilla - 09-21-2003

Thanks for the input, as for MC, I saw a coupla reviews for it in one of my old computer gaming-magazines, I'll go back and check it out....thanks again!