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OMG No Hangovers - Drasca - 10-08-2003

The article

Research into the key ingredient in the pills, succinic, a colorless, crystalline dibasic acid found in amber and many plants, has been going on since the 1960s at the Russian Academy of Sciences' Institute of Theoretical and Experimental Biophysics in Pushshino in the Moscow region. In developing the pills, scientists found that rats injected with lethal doses of alcohol survived or stayed alive longer when treated with succinic acid.


Spirit Science's web site explains the process like this: "RU-21 balances alcohol metabolism by slowing down the process of ethanol oxidation into acetaldehyde [which causes hangover symptoms], so less acetaldehyde occurs in the first place, and then speeding up the process of acetaldehyde decomposition into acetic acid and then water and carbon dioxide."

And the clincher

Informal research conducted by The Moscow Times found that six tablets effectively annulled the aftereffects of 2.5 liters of beer..

Omg. Does this mean what I think it means? Its been low-key marketing, and doesn't recommend heavy drinking, but woohoo!

OMG No Hangovers - Guest - 10-08-2003

"RU-21 balances alcohol metabolism by slowing down the process of ethanol oxidation into acetaldehyde"

Does that also meen you will stay drunk longer?

Its been to long since I had cellular bio and bio chem, I forget if this the standard path to metabolise alcohol or jus a secondary path.

OMG No Hangovers - Occhidiangela - 10-08-2003

Prior to retiring for the evening, after having had mucho to drink:

1. Take out an Alka Selzer™ packet.

2. drop both tablets into a glass of at least 10 oz of Water.

3. Drink it all.

4. Go to bed.

5. Wake up: not much, or no, Hangover.

OMG No Hangovers - Doc - 10-08-2003

Hangover? Oh, you mean that poor feeling you sissy girly men feel in the morning after to much drinking the night before? :P

Eat a hot pepper upon waking up. It will cleanse your taste buds, restore your mental facilities, and generally make you feel perky again. I find green coloured peppers better for this then red peppers. A good chili or jalapeno will work. Also, eat an apple. Better for you then coffee, and does wonders to help remove hangover fuzz.

OMG No Hangovers - Rhydderch Hael - 10-08-2003

I just find it interesting to note that the hangover pill is named "RU-21", which is the homophone of the same question you'd ask a person who's potentially underage in many American states.

OMG No Hangovers - TaMeOlta - 10-08-2003

:lol: A subtle joke perhaps ? :lol:

BTW , what's a hangover ? ;)

OMG No Hangovers - Lord_Olf - 11-02-2003

Hail Drasca,

I admit that I was too lazy to take a look at that link, but on the other hand, I don't have to read it since my reply has a rather different spin.

What I think is: If you have a hangover in the morning, you deserve it; it tells you that you have done something to your body that is not all that healty. Don't misunderstand me: I have been through quite a lot of hangovers myself, but I am grateful for them, for the above reason.

Envision someone inventing a narcotic drug / drink / pill / (your idea here) / whatever kind of drug that would have no side effects. Quite a lot of people would be consuming it continuously, I guess. SO, what I think is good about alcohol is that it gives you a hangover if you consume too much of it. Kind of works like a control mechanism, I guess.

Anyway, bottom line (and I don't buy the story, anyway): Alcohol without a hangover = vastly increased number of alcoholics = vastly increased number of alcohol-related deaths = bad idea!

Well, just my two cents...
