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Let's talk about broken bones - Printable Version

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Let's talk about broken bones - AtomicKitKat - 04-07-2004

I think it's a foregone conclusion that I'm at high risk. Most of my mother's side smokes, my mother has been smoking almost as long as I can remember(although, to be honest, she smokes only 1 cig a day, after getting home from work, and at the kitchen window, so it goes out quicker) I picked up my first stub around age seven or so, smoked relatives' stubs on and off again for a few months, stopped that same year, took it up for a single day when I was 16(was the end of year BBQ, and the students I was with would likely never see one another again anyway(except the following March, when we would return to the school to collect results). Took it up again for 3 months, when I was 20, and in the army. Stopped before I left. Haven't smoked since December 2000(when I left the army) However, I think smoking cigarettes is the SMALLEST of my risks, considering that at various stages of my life, I've been a pyromaniac, igniting various substances(probably the most toxic of which was a "Glo-stick", in an attempt to test the flammability of the chemicals within)

Let's talk about broken bones - Mephista - 04-11-2004

I remember that the first time you posted it. Made me be careful around corners.

I broke my pinky once, by trauma with a dodgeball. My first reaction was to pull on it, because it looked shorter than usual and wouldn't straighten.