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The 'Interesting Screenshots' Thread - Printable Version

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The 'Interesting Screenshots' Thread - Bun-Bun - 04-22-2005

Tal,Apr 22 2005, 08:05 AM Wrote:So I turn to the creativity of my fellow lurkers. What is a good fantasy name for this little mare? :)

If it were male, I'd go for Stalandrax.

It's a dark horse - how about James K. Polk?

Or Ibrium, after Mare Ibrium, the Sea of Rains (Reins)? Serentatis? Crisium?

The 'Interesting Screenshots' Thread - Sabra - 04-22-2005

Gnollguy,Apr 22 2005, 03:04 PM Wrote:Ever since I was first asked for assistance I can't get the obvious Sable out of my head, but that really doesn't have any tie ins to ancient myths or legends.

Okay, how creepy is this? That is exactly the name that came to mind for me before I ever read this post. Sam is too ... Sam and Salem is great, but it's associated with witch craft and inappropriate for a Warrior mount, IMO.

So if you want something "godly" check this out:

gods in a Nutshell

The 'Interesting Screenshots' Thread - TaiDaishar - 04-23-2005

Hmmm... there's Nehebkau, the guardian of the world of the dead (or it's entrance?) according to Egyptian mythology...

Shadowfax, despite being purely white originally, could be appropriate.

Oh oh oh, what about Ninjamare? Get it, instead of a knight it'll be a ninja! :shuriken:

The 'Interesting Screenshots' Thread - LochnarITB - 04-27-2005

And a few more tidbits from my WoWing.

Note how smart my lion, Felix, is. Why go face to face when you can jump up on the chandelier and bite the toes of the baddie above?

[Image: wow00038.jpg]

There is a lot of sea around and most of it has not been explored. We shall change that. What heading would you like, Captain?

[Image: wow00039.jpg]

Taking a break from hunting mushrooms in Mauradon with a little fishing.

[Image: wow00040.jpg]

The 'Interesting Screenshots' Thread - savaughn - 04-28-2005

So, this one needs a bit of backstory. A while ago I was playing with my Paladin in Southshore at about the same time a horde raid comes through. Since a level 36 wasn't going to do much to help I figured I'd get out of Dodge and jump a griffon. Well, someone went to shoot me as I talked to the griffon master and popped the griffon master instead.

This+lag resulted in the coolest WoW experience I've ever had. I was mounted on the back of a griffon who charged out and started killing horde! This is a quick pic I snapped of my griffon assault. Apparently folks could see me doing it, too, so it wasn't just a disconnect because of lag. :lol:

[Image: GriffonRider.jpg]

The 'Interesting Screenshots' Thread - LochnarITB - 04-28-2005

savaughn,Apr 28 2005, 09:50 AM Wrote:I was mounted on the back of a griffon who charged out and started killing horde!  This is a quick pic I snapped of my griffon assault.

The husband of a friend of the mother of my sister-in-law's hair stylist said that the patch scheduled for 4/1/2006 (yes, they are planning that far out) will include gryphons as a mega-epic mount. They will cost 2000g (1800 with faction discount) and require completion of a quest calling for one peacebloom, two copper ore and two pieces of light leather. It will also require exalted status with the Murlock faction.

Blizzard - are you listening? I would definitely buy this epic mount - think about it! :w00t:

The 'Interesting Screenshots' Thread - Bolty - 04-29-2005

Illegal areas.

Back in the beta, you could go almost anywhere, and get fun shots like this:

[Image: wow32.jpg]

It's much harder to get to "illegal" areas now, although there are places where Blizzard hasn't quite blocked the hills off enough, even without the use of Levitate. One such place is in southeast Ashenvale, south of the lake that's just west of the road. Climbing up the hills there got me to the land south of Ashenvale and north of the Stonetalon Mountains. I took some shots and I was asked to post them, so here they are.

[Image: wow80.jpg]

[Image: wow81.jpg]

[Image: wow82.jpg]

[Image: wow83.jpg]

I like the floating tree.


The 'Interesting Screenshots' Thread - Drasca - 05-01-2005

[Image: shiptravel.jpg]

Early on, I used to fish. One day, I decided to stand on dock corners on top crates... little did I know.

That's one execution I don't want to be a part in.

The 'Interesting Screenshots' Thread - Taakal - 05-01-2005

So, I was running around with my lovely Liann in Stormwind today, and headed to the gates. Standing there was a whoooole buncha level 60s and a barricade, and I realised that the Stormwind quest was going on. "Cool!" I think, and join them. [Just to watch. Crazy, not stupid.]

Apparently, in Stormwind, Lady Onyxia is . . . well, she's a lot more amiable than you would think, really. She even let me take a picture with her! She's really friendly, once you get to know her.


The 'Interesting Screenshots' Thread - Mirajj - 05-17-2005

We all know that in WoW, death isn't permanent. But apparently rigor mortis can set in very, very quickly..

[Image: NotDeadYet.jpg]

Not to be confined simply to PC's, death stalks everyone...and gets them...eventually...

[Image: Deadcatstanding.jpg]

The first one I'm certain was just client/server lag, as I did end up "corpsed" pretty quickly. The second, is a bit more interesting.

We were fighting a Freezing Ghoul. It turned Mirage into a solid block of ice, then 'killed' her. It then ran after me, and I killed it. I went back to look at Mirage just as the block shattered, and she was left...standing and looking alive, but as you can see, she's dead.

I thought it was nifty, anyhow. *S*

The 'Interesting Screenshots' Thread - kandrathe - 05-17-2005

I'm hoping to start a whole new WOW sporting trend...

Spar surfing! Hanging ten. The hard part is jumping at the right time to hit the dock.

[Image: Spar_Surfer.jpg]

The 'Interesting Screenshots' Thread - Arnulf - 05-17-2005

I wish I could fly! Especially since I need mithril as an apprentice armour smith...

[Image: 57a4c29c.jpg]


The 'Interesting Screenshots' Thread - Mirajj - 05-26-2005

There I was, minding my own business killing elementals in Silithus and I saw the warning that the Windreaver would pop soon. I didn't pay much attention to it. The next thing I know, I'm getting steamrolled from behind by him and his cronies. I think it took them 3, maybe 4 hits before I was down for the count. But I got a nice "surprised in action" shot, as I spun to see what hit me.

[Image: Steamroller.jpg]

The 'Interesting Screenshots' Thread - Arethor - 05-26-2005

Last night I decided to go on a late night UBRS run and finally got my Dreadmist Robe, completing my set. I was asked to take some screenshots and post them, so here are my 2 favorites.

[Image: WoWScrnShot_052605_031006.jpg]

[Image: WoWScrnShot_052605_031034.jpg]

The other 2 shots and larger pictures can be seen here.

The 'Interesting Screenshots' Thread - Hillary - 05-26-2005

Arethor,May 26 2005, 12:10 PM Wrote:Last night I decided to go on a late night UBRS run and finally got my Dreadmist Robe, completing my set.  I was asked to take some screenshots and post them, so here are my 2 favorites.

[Image: WoWScrnShot_052605_031006.jpg]

[Image: WoWScrnShot_052605_031034.jpg]

The other 2 shots and larger pictures can be seen here.

Sigh. *looks at 2 pieces of devout I don't have, and epic pony, and realizes she's not as cool as the lock*

The 'Interesting Screenshots' Thread - Quark - 05-26-2005

Hillary,May 26 2005, 01:00 PM Wrote:Sigh.  *looks at 2 pieces of devout I don't have, and epic pony, and realizes she's not as cool as the lock*

The lock has also gotten a purple recipe and some things that sell for a few hundred gold :P

The 'Interesting Screenshots' Thread - Hillary - 05-26-2005

Quark,May 26 2005, 02:43 PM Wrote:The lock has also gotten a purple recipe and some things that sell for a few hundred gold :P

Lucky lock. However, couldn't have happened to a nicer guy, so I suppose I can forgive him.

*Stabs Arethor with a spork*

The 'Interesting Screenshots' Thread - mjdoom - 05-26-2005

Hillary,May 26 2005, 12:00 PM Wrote:Sigh.  *looks at 2 pieces of devout I don't have, and epic pony, and realizes she's not as cool as the lock*

Hmm, my two 60s combined only have 4 set pieces (5 if you count the Lightforge that Galreth doesn't even wear any more)... but I love them anyway :)

- mjdoom

The 'Interesting Screenshots' Thread - Tal - 05-26-2005

mjdoom,May 26 2005, 02:57 PM Wrote:(5 if you count the Lightforge that Galreth doesn't even wear any more)... but I love them anyway :)

:cries: I soooo wish I could trade ya!

The 'Interesting Screenshots' Thread - Arethor - 05-28-2005

It helps to be 1 of 2 level 60 warlocks in the guild. If it wasnt' for that I'd still be far behind. I'm 1/2 on winning dreadmist when contested. As for the epic pony, that's directly because of the item that sold for a good amount of gold. Luck of the roll one could say. I also had a lot of help from a bunch of different lurkers either through helping with questing, providing transmutes and potion making, sending extra scales, or devoting 3 hours with the worst tour guide ever. So i'll take this moment to say thanks again to all who've helped me get to where I am :)