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Dance Dance Revolution - Archon_Wing - 10-25-2004

Chaerophon,Oct 23 2004, 10:26 PM Wrote:Lozl.  n00b = pwned by Lemming. 

I giggled with delight on hearing the news.  Merci beaucoup.  B)

You are hearby awarded a C- for your troll reaction skills. :) I don't know, but it was funny that you always seemed to be first to jump towards the scene of the crime. You bit way too much, but at least you had some entertaining jabs. There's nothing wrong with taking a bite once in a while, but overdoing it serves for more trolling. I must admit myself to not doing so well too.

This concludes the testing of the Emergency Troll System. We hope you will improve your Troll Reaction Skills for the next test. Thank you for partcipating. In the event of a real troll, you would stay tuned for instructions from the local moderation.

Dance Dance Revolution - Chaerophon - 10-25-2004

Alas; how to respond?
A snap? a whimper? -
Or at all?
The best of trolls never looks the part.
The deception!
A test within the same!

For he who guides me through the middling mire
With clever touches pleads for sanity!
But dangling from his dancing treach'rous wire
Caught on the barbs - I'd have myself a 'D'!


Dance Dance Revolution - Tal - 10-25-2004

LemmingofGlory,Oct 23 2004, 11:44 PM Wrote:He was just too disruptive. When Lurkers like Zarathustra poke their heads in, see one of his posts, and have to ask why they just stepped in elephant dung, it's time we swept it out.


Ah. In that case may I suggest changing his title from "n00b pwn3r" to "Pwn3d"? ;)

Seems appropriate...

Dance Dance Revolution - LemmingofGlory - 10-25-2004

Happily. (nt)

Dance Dance Revolution - Occhidiangela - 10-25-2004

LemmingofGlory,Oct 23 2004, 09:44 PM Wrote:Just some poetry.
Re-reading my post brought more beautiful poetry to mind. I thought I'd share.
He was just too disruptive. When Lurkers like Zarathustra poke their heads in, see one of his posts, and have to ask why they just stepped in elephant dung, it's time we swept it out.


*Tips chapeau*

At long last the inevitable doom has fallen, may the bridge he lives under do likewise soon.

The poem was a very nice garnish to that meal. :)


Dance Dance Revolution - Tal - 10-25-2004

LemmingofGlory,Oct 25 2004, 03:42 PM Wrote:Happily. (nt)

Thanks. :)

Dance Dance Revolution - Munkay - 10-25-2004

LemmingofGlory,Oct 25 2004, 02:42 PM Wrote:Happily. (nt)

Three cheers for lemming! He truly is a Lemming of Glory. :D

Dance Dance Revolution - whyBish - 10-28-2004

So it is safe to return to these forums at last ...

Dance Dance Revolution - NuurAbSaal - 10-28-2004

whyBish,Oct 28 2004, 06:58 AM Wrote:So it is safe to return to these forums at last ...

...if a little less entertaining for those of us who don't have to clean up after the likes of him :) .

Lemming: THANK YOU!!

for your daily fix of rampant idiocy, let me suggest this

But enter at your own peril, staying on that site for more than 5 minutes may cause a severe case of dumbass. You have been warned. And encouraged. In the same post!!! OMGLOLZ!!!111shift1 (for Lissa :) )



Dance Dance Revolution - Minionman - 10-29-2004

My mom just explained the Night elf and human ones to me. Now they make sense.

Dance Dance Revolution - Zarathustra - 10-29-2004

Minionman,Oct 28 2004, 09:25 PM Wrote:My mom just explained the Night elf and human ones to me.  Now they make sense.

Oh boy, I think you just made quite a few Lurkers feel old...