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Why do I hear..... - Printable Version

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Why do I hear..... - Rinnhart - 11-18-2004

Iolair,Nov 17 2004, 07:03 AM Wrote:There has been smooth launches. As Ghosttiger said, DAoC went well, CoH went well and EQ2 also went well (and is still running well).

It will be sad if Blizzard can't make a smooth launch. We can still hope though.

Bah, Sony's got three games and nearly a dozen expansions of practice (and they still have trouble with their login servers every time the servers go down!), and I really want to argue the CoH launch though I don't remember much about it (I don't care for the game and I was on hiatus from the 'scene' when it launched)

Blizzard probably won't be able to pull off a smooth launch, but most fricken games come out half-finished.

We're obviously not bitching enough about the products we're being sold.

...That's enough poorly formed sentences for one night.

Why do I hear..... - Kevin - 11-18-2004

Rinnhart,Nov 18 2004, 02:17 AM Wrote:We're obviously not bitching enough about the products we're being sold.
...That's enough poorly formed sentences for one night.

No, we are obviously buying too many games that are half finished. Bitching is only part of the equation and a small part at that. Millions of dollars speaks a lot louder than "I don't like this about this game that you already have my money for." At some level, even for designers who really want to put out a product people love, it is all about the money. Most people need money to survive the way our society is structured. And all businesses have one goal, profit.

Why do I hear..... - choppedliver - 11-18-2004

MongoJerry,Nov 13 2004, 04:15 PM Wrote:I definitely know that Kalimdor and the Eastern Kingdoms are on seperate servers.  In addition, instances seem to be on seperate servers of their own, since it was common in the beta to be playing just fine in instances while the outside world was crashing.

Although this thread has moved away from this topic a little, I thought some people would be interested in more information based on things that Blizzard said early in the testing.

Kalimdor and Eastern Kingdoms at the time were each on two servers (four servers total). Instances had their own server pair. Chat was on a fifth server. Thus a WoW "server" actually was at least five boxes total. It wasn't clear whether there was a separate, centralized database server, or whether the database was running on these machines.

Why do I hear..... - Bolty - 11-18-2004

Gnollguy,Nov 18 2004, 08:43 AM Wrote:Millions of dollars speaks a lot louder than "I don't like this about this game that you already have my money for."

Exactly - once you buy the game, your viewpoint is irrelevant. You can only vote with your money.


Why do I hear..... - Rinnhart - 11-19-2004

Bolty,Nov 18 2004, 04:15 PM Wrote:Exactly - once you buy the game, your viewpoint is irrelevant.  You can only vote with your money.


You guys are taking that comment too literally.

Why do I hear..... - BEEFMOTRTON - 11-19-2004

BEEFMOTRTON,Nov 15 2004, 09:46 PM Wrote:It's improved slightly the last couple days. I just hope it keeps improving.

I'm very optimistic about what they'll be able to do, but they don't have much time to get it done.
Sorry to quote myself, but I have to say that I'm quite impressed how solid it remained until the end of beta.

Led a 50 man pvp raid on one of the test servers and the lag didn't get bad at all, and the server didn't crash once. The client unfortunately did crash a few times but that's not so bad.

Then with the 'end of beta' events with 60 people standing around in a city and an equal amount of GM spawned monsters and the server still lived.

Why do I hear..... - Iolair - 11-19-2004

Iolair,Nov 17 2004, 04:03 PM Wrote:There has been smooth launches. As Ghosttiger said, DAoC went well, CoH went well and EQ2 also went well (and is still running well).

It will be sad if Blizzard can't make a smooth launch. We can still hope though.

I want to explain my viewpoint, since I am not sure I got it right the first time.

Smooth launches: I went with what Ghosttiger said, honestly I don't know about DAoC and CoH. So I stand corrected. I don't know if they were smooth or not.
Someone corrected me on EQ2, but since I have been playing practically non-stop since launch, I do think I can talk about that launch. I call it smooth, especially because I have been able to play so much.

My whole point about launches is, that it could seem there is a tendency to make better launches. That we, as customers can expect and should expect better launches and not those bad ones that have been out there in the past.

I was not trying to bash WoW, and I still think it will be sad if WoW will not come up with a good launch. I simply put my expectations up high when we talk Blizzard. They have a good record and I hope they will live up to it. They seem to have a very good game on their hands, so I truely hope for the best.