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Favorite WoW noob moment - Zarathustra - 01-07-2005

On Teldrassil, looking for the silver spinnarets (not enough info there for a spoiler, but anyone who's done it knows what I'm talking about).

"Hm... I know they said it was supposed to be up here, somewhere around the lake... OH, I know! I bet it's down that waterfall!"

*falls and is dashed upon the rocks below*

"Hm, that didn't work. Better go recover my body."

*wisps down waterfall, misses body on the way down (it was halfway) and lands in the water*

"Guess I'm swimming until I find a healer."

*becomes fatigued and dies in the water.... even though he's a wisp*

Yep, good times.

Favorite WoW noob moment - Sabra - 01-07-2005

The following n00bish moment could be entitled "The Story of My Life So Far."

Recently SabraMage was methodically acquiring her Murloc fins just off the Lakeridge Highway. As is her wont, she was casting, then using frost nova to freeze the mob in place and backing up to fire again.

During the fray she accidentally drew several murlocs at once, two of them runners. In the course of taking them out, she backed up right into a fully populated gnoll encampment.

The gnolls were thrilled beyond words!

Favorite WoW noob moment - LochnarITB - 01-07-2005

Sabra,Jan 7 2005, 03:14 PM Wrote:she backed up right into a fully populated gnoll encampment.
Been there, done that. Just thought I'd pass on a tip in case you didn't know it already. You can bind a key to flip the camera. I have mine bound to "y". When backing up like that, I flip the camera often to see where I am going. I also flip the camera back and forth when drinking/eating in highly populated/quick respawn areas to see anything coming up on me. The only problem I have with this is forgetting that the camera is flipped. I stand up and start going the wrong direction because forward is into the camera rather than away as usual.

Favorite WoW noob moment - Arethor - 01-09-2005

I've also done the fall down the Teldrassil waterfall, except I didn't even see it till it was too late.

My NE, Elreth was working on the quest, saw the appropriate mob but got attacked by a small spider. After finishing the spider I couldn't find the mob anywhere so I started walking along the edge of the area there and had my camera slightly angled a la mouse to try and find him. I saw the river and some elementals or whatever they are and didn't feel like getting into a scuffle so i just kinda jump into the river, next thing i know I'm falling thinking "where did the riverbed go"

I go to collect my corpse and this time I see the waterfall. I fall down to collect my body and realize there's no way for me to get up, just another waterfall section, so I hearthstone out of there making a mental note for the future to look before I leap :blush:

Favorite WoW noob moment - mjdoom - 01-09-2005

LochnarITB,Jan 7 2005, 06:47 PM Wrote:Been there, done that.  Just thought I'd pass on a tip in case you didn't know it already.  You can bind a key to flip the camera.  I have mine bound to "y".  When backing up like that, I flip the camera often to see where I am going.  I also flip the camera back and forth when drinking/eating in highly populated/quick respawn areas to see anything coming up on me.  The only problem I have with this is forgetting that the camera is flipped.  I stand up and start going the wrong direction because forward is into the camera rather than away as usual.

This reminds me of a camera mishap I had once. Instead of flipping the camera I usually look around using mouse drag. Occasionally this disorients me and I start walking in the wrong direction because I expect to walk in the direction I'm looking...

On one occasion I was standing on the broken part of the Thandol Span looking around trying to do the quest where you find someone's body somewhere near the span (or so the quest text said, he's actually downstairs in one of the span towers). In my haste to run back off the span after I didn't see anything by looking I accidentally walked off the span instead :D Thankfully I landed clean in the water so I just had to swim out...

Due to my unfamiliarity with the Arathi Highlands I did not realize that there was a ramp out of the water only a few seconds east of me though so I proceeded to swim west back towards the nearest point I could exit to the Wetlands, thus increasing my downtime while I recovered from my accidental fall.

There was one benefit of the whole event though, in the process of swimming out of there I stumbled across Faldir's Cove :) Fun times.

- mjdoom

Favorite WoW noob moment - LochnarITB - 01-10-2005

mjdoom,Jan 9 2005, 05:30 PM Wrote:There was one benefit of the whole event though, in the process of swimming out of there I stumbled across Faldir's Cove :)  Fun times.
Wow, I wonder how often that cove is discovered by errant swimmers rather than being directed there. That is how I found it. I was exploring around the outside of Stromgarde Keep when I was rushed by a couple large buzzard type creatures from the mountains along the path. My only path of escape was to jump into the ocean below from which I could find no close exit. I started swimming and the first populated area I came to was the cove. Being a yellow-bang-aholic, I couldn't pass on quests located there. The first one tried got me promptly pummeled by two water elementals that I had no business attempting. Quests abandoned then back into the water for the rest of the swim to the Wetlands.

Favorite WoW noob moment - LavCat - 01-11-2005

LochnarITB,Jan 10 2005, 06:55 PM Wrote:Wow, I wonder how often that cove is discovered by errant swimmers rather than being directed there.

I first found the cove while swimming up from Menethil, looking for Shadowfang Keep at the age of twenty when I could not face any but the smallest creatures in the Wetlands. I had never seen a yellow NPC as I recall, and I had never seen a pirate. I may not have even seen an ogre at that point, let alone a friendly one. None of the NPC's would talk to me, and I was terribly afraid they would turn hostile.