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Terenas - Friday Sept 14th Raid Time - Printable Version

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Terenas - Friday Sept 14th Raid Time - mistique - 09-12-2007

Ready to go.


Terenas - Friday Sept 14th Raid Time - Tigo - 09-12-2007

mongril is in

Terenas - Friday Sept 14th Raid Time - AlienLuvChyld - 09-12-2007

Azzlea will be out of town...good luck all

Terenas - Friday Sept 14th Raid Time - Jenjan - 09-12-2007

Jenjan can go.

Terenas - Friday Sept 14th Raid Time - mandydax - 09-13-2007

I do! I do! OH!OH!OH!! Me, Mista Kotta! ME!

I'm taking Friday off work to tele-join in the Las Vegasy bebauchery.:w00t:

Terenas - Friday Sept 14th Raid Time - Jester - 09-13-2007

Geldauran can come.


Terenas - Friday Sept 14th Raid Time - Kirayla - 09-13-2007

Kirayla can be there:)

Terenas - Friday Sept 14th Raid Time - Shamago - 09-13-2007

I'll be there if you need me.

Terenas - Friday Sept 14th Raid Time - Tamorrax - 09-13-2007

Tamorrax will go!

(or will gladly warm the bench. Mmmm, bench...)

Terenas - Friday Sept 14th Raid Time - Jester - 09-14-2007

Tentative Roster for Friday:

1 Geld
2 Sham

1 Fractional
2 Dag
3 Dunar
4 Mogo

1 Acalan
2 Moors

1 Kaydoll
2 JB
3 Shimoyake
4 Frosburn
5 Malodius
6 Melothan
7 Vinnie
8 Jenjan
9 Marn
10 Kirayla
11 Mongril
12 Reainie


WARNING: Raid list subject to some changes, based on NOS folk and overall balance. Benchers, if you could make an effort to be there just before 8, in case you are needed, it would be appreciated.
