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Shocking new 1.10 Item Info today - FenrisWulf - 06-02-2003

Agreed, a Ribcracker Stalagmite is by far the most powerful 2-handed weapon that has come up so far in the 1.10 discussions.

For my tastes, I would hope that this Tempering recipe (perhaps? It's kind of like tempering) comes with an inherent 50% chance to consume all of the reagents, without producing anything at all. :) 'twould balance out things a little bit, I think.

Shocking new 1.10 Item Info today - Bolty - 06-02-2003

I think we need to consider any and all potential for abuse.

What items, using this recipe, could be considered major balance breakers? While we don't know of the changes to monsters' abilities, hps, resistances, etc, we can however postulate about any items known in 1.09 that, with this formula, would allow the user of the item to just dominate everything at a medium character level.

So...are there any items that anyone can consider for abuse (under the current info we have for monster data)?


Shocking new 1.10 Item Info today - jondifool - 06-02-2003

Quote:I'm not so impressed with the 163 Str requirement of a Colossus Crossbow. -53 Dex is quite a bit of lost damage.

excactly ! :rolleyes:

The buriza doesn't becomes that much better even without the dex loss. A total off 25% more damage for a really high lvl character ! But More for a lower level. ( increase ends going from 250 to 310 on estimate, so the 60 avarage is more significant with a low level character, if lvl 56 can be called low it would net around 38% total damage increase).

Taking the dex loss into account also, makes it a rather low damage increase, depending on the build (skill use and dexs). A low level character suffer relative more from the strenght requirements than a high. the dex loss means between 7 to 20 % total damage loss for most builds.
A high level low dex build ( and loosing 53 points) would actual gain very little from the use off quite a few bowskills with an elite buriza! :unsure:

To me it looks like a lot off the other bows are clossing in on the buriza with this recipe! ( clossing the gab!)
As quite a few off them improve drasticly

we would properly see the amazon basin friends with a new list of best bows in the game very soon. But a list where the buriza doesn't shine as the only bright star, as a lot off the other bows are up there! (no need for mention the sun right ?)

Shocking new 1.10 Item Info today - DralaFi - 06-02-2003

I just hope this works with Bows. Some of the normal unique bows or even the exceptional elite unique bows upgraded to an elite with the added damage and all would be great.


Razor Bow
Two-Hand Damage: (25.2-28.8) To (64.4-73.6) (44.8-51.2 Avg)
Required Level: 31
Required Strength: 25
Required Dexterity: 62
Base Weapon Speed: [-10]
180-220% Enhanced Damage(varies)
Slows Target By 30%
30% Chance of Open Wounds
30% Increased Attack Speed
7-10% Life Stolen Per Hit(varies)
+35 To Mana
(Only Spawns In Patch 1.09 or later)

If i remember correctly Razor Bow upgrades to Blade Bow. Razor bow has base damage 8-22 (15 avg) and the Blade Bow has 21-41 (31 avg) base damage. This would be a killer bow for a speedazon. And very nice for the mid lvl character. (Blade bow req lvl is 45).

Shocking new 1.10 Item Info today - WarBlade - 06-02-2003

Evidently it seems these new recipes are being implemented to give the weapon users a fighting chance to deal with the upgraded monsters.

But here's something for people to ponder: Smiters

Shocking new 1.10 Item Info today - ghost70 - 06-02-2003

Yeah, an elite Ribcracker would be amazing. Stalagmite is an awsome base weapon type, having a great speed and a higher average damage than most spears/polearms.

Also, almost any class-specific unique (which are already great even though none are elite) would be among the best in the game after this recipe.

Arreat's Face
Conqeror Crown
Defense: 397.5-477 :blink: (varies)(Base Defense: 159)
Required Level: 60
Required Strength: 174
Durability: 50
(Barbarian Only)
+150-200% Enhanced Defense (varies)
30% Faster Hit Recovery
20% Bonus To Attack Rating
+2 To Barbarian Skill Levels
3-6% Life Stolen Per Hit (varies)
All Resistances +30
+20 To Strength
+20 To Dexterity
+2 To Combat Skills (Barbarian Only)

I've always like high defense. An ethereal version would break 700... I better start gathering lems and puls.

Shocking new 1.10 Item Info today - jondifool - 06-02-2003

Bolty,Jun 2 2003, 09:28 PM Wrote:I think we need to consider any and all potential for abuse.

What items, using this recipe, could be considered major balance breakers?  While we don't know of the changes to monsters' abilities, hps, resistances, etc, we can however postulate about any items known in 1.09 that, with this formula, would allow the user of the item to just dominate everything at a medium character level.

So...are there any items that anyone can consider for abuse (under the current info we have for monster data)?

Depending on playstyle I would rather ask is there any item there would not allow to dominate medium character level.

what to look for is increase in base damage from normal-exseptional-elite and Enhanced damage
Then preffixs clearly benefitting from interaction with thesse 2 , namely deadly strike, % to cast amp and maybe leech!

And thats it! All other prefixs does not have a lot greater impact because off the upgrade (and some have less). But its a lot off items, becoming decent to really good.

major balance breakers with that in mind would be the 2 normal unique mauls, as they are easy to cube. And does big damage, but they would not bend the game more than muling good items already does!

I insist on that bows would not be subjekt to a lot more major balance breaking than the 1.09 buriza have already created. ( the gab is just closing now)

2 handed weapons is mainly ribcracker (and if build is not speed dependent the Pierre Tombale Couant)
1 handed is Coldsteel Eye (and maybe head striker). And a few more

The items there might be abusing besides this could be the ones with low low lvl reqs.

but ribcracker looks like the unbalanced one here. How to solve that blizzard ?

Shocking new 1.10 Item Info today - jondifool - 06-02-2003

WarBlade,Jun 2 2003, 09:49 PM Wrote:Evidently it seems these new recipes are being implemented to give the weapon users a fighting chance to deal with the upgraded monsters.

But here's something for people to ponder: Smiters
exile ? what more does a smiter need!

Shocking new 1.10 Item Info today - Archon_Wing - 06-02-2003

Kuko Shakaku Shadow Bow. Nuff said :)

Shocking new 1.10 Item Info today - Taem - 06-02-2003

I'm just hoping they *fix* the Hail of Arrows double bow so that it actually has IAS on the bow. Upgraded to an elite, this can be a great bow for the 1.1 next generation speed-a-zon.

Shocking new 1.10 Item Info today - Archon_Wing - 06-02-2003

MEAT,Jun 2 2003, 03:19 PM Wrote:I'm just hoping they *fix* the Hail of Arrows double bow so that it actually has IAS on the bow.  Upgraded to an elite, this can be a great bow for the 1.1 next generation speed-a-zon.
Wasn't it Endlesshail? Oh well, nobody cared about that bow. :D

Shocking new 1.10 Item Info today - DeeBye - 06-02-2003

How about a Steeldriver Thunder Maul?

+150-250% Enhanced Damage
150% Damage To Undead
40% Increased Attack Speed
Requirements -50%
Heal Stamina plus 25%

The +40% WIAS and -50% Reqs would really appeal to shifting Druids.

That's (49.5 - 82.5) to (270 - 450) damage if I calculated it out correctly, with great speed -- and all one would need is 127 Str. That leaves a lot of stat points to dump into Vit.


Shocking new 1.10 Item Info today - Cardinal Fang - 06-02-2003

The item on the AS specifically mentioned unique weapons. It didn't say anything about armor-class items.

Shocking new 1.10 Item Info today - WarBlade - 06-02-2003

jondifool,Jun 3 2003, 10:10 AM Wrote:
WarBlade,Jun 2 2003, 09:49 PM Wrote:Evidently it seems these new recipes are being implemented to give the weapon users a fighting chance to deal with the upgraded monsters.

But here's something for people to ponder: Smiters
exile ? what more does a smiter need!
In case you hadn't noticed, the runes for Exile are somewhat more difficult to aquire than any runes I've seen ventured for these weapon recipes. I can look at Exile and not even worry about it since those runes are practically impossible for me to obtain. OTOH the weapon recipes will be used.

How difficult is it to purchase a Cruel Normal weapon from a vendor? It's not. After that? Sol's the trickiest, but no problem there. Getting to
an item Elite is a little more difficult, although I can find a number of my characters whocould have done it purely solo.

End result? Cruel Elite Weapons everywhere by the end of Hell. :blink:

And for the Smiters? Disparity. :( Unless there's a comparable craft . . .

Shocking new 1.10 Item Info today - Wyrm - 06-02-2003

WarBlade,Jun 2 2003, 10:54 PM Wrote:
Quote:How difficult is it to purchase a Cruel Normal weapon from a vendor? It's not. After that? Sol's the trickiest, but no problem there. Getting to
an item Elite is a little more difficult, although I can find a number of my characters whocould have done it purely solo.

End result? Cruel Elite Weapons everywhere by the end of Hell. :blink:
Blizzard did say the recipe would work for Unique Items only, so I don't think you have to worry too much about that one. Besides, its not like the marketplace is lacking in cruel elites right now as is.

Shocking new 1.10 Item Info today - D-Dave - 06-03-2003

Archon_Wing,Jun 2 2003, 11:22 PM Wrote:Wasn't it Endlesshail? Oh well, nobody cared about that bow. :D
hey, hold your fire, one of my Amazons finished solo Hell with this Bow noone cares about (mostly due to the fact that after a break of play for more then 10 month no characters nor items were at hand to start with, but thats a different story)

It's not too slow and the damage is not THAT bad B)

Shocking new 1.10 Item Info today - protoshoggoth - 06-03-2003

My ribcracker-wielding melee necromancer hissed 'ex-celllent' in classic Mr. Burns fashion upon hearing of this development.

Shocking new 1.10 Item Info today - jahcs - 06-03-2003

I saw unique weapon upgrade too. No metion of other items.

Too bad we can't take that good 3 row unique belt and upgrade it to a 4 row...

Shocking new 1.10 Item Info today - WarBlade - 06-03-2003

Wyrm,Jun 3 2003, 11:20 AM Wrote:Blizzard did say the recipe would work for Unique Items only
Ahhh, now I see. :lol: I missed that one. Thanks.

*scratches head*

Funny, I still look back at Smiters and feel there might be something missing. I hope there's more than "Exile" to fill the item gap. :unsure:

Shocking new 1.10 Item Info today - TheDragoon - 06-03-2003

Any REAL Druid would never have sold the Ribcracker as it IS, let alone as it would be with that cube recipe. Some other good items for a Wereform would be an elite Steeldriver or an elite Crainte Vomir.