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Beware the Chenesaw - NiteFox - 02-12-2006

Quote:WASHINGTON - Vice President Dick Cheney accidentally shot and injured a man during a weekend quail hunting trip in Texas, his spokeswoman said Sunday.

Harry Whittington, 78, was “alert and doing fine” after Cheney sprayed him with shotgun pellets on Saturday while the two were hunting at the Armstrong Ranch in south Texas, said property owner Katharine Armstrong.

Armstrong said Whittington was mostly injured on his right side, with the pellets hitting his cheek, neck and chest, and was taken to the hospital by ambulance.

A somewhat amusing event for all concerned. Well. Except the poor sod shot by Cheney.

Accidents happen, and it's fortunate that this is a less serious incident than most.

Now perhaps all parties concerned will pay special attention to hunting safety lectures in future :)

Beware the Chenesaw - Guest - 02-12-2006

Idiot. I say that as a hunter, either Cheney or the guy he shot(maybe both) did something very stupid for some one to get shot while bird hunting. Either that or the story is misleading.

Dometime you hear of a kid accidentally shooting someone and that some what understandable - kids make dangerous choices, they cant help it.

But an adult should be really ashamed.

Beware the Chenesaw - ima_nerd - 02-12-2006

Like Ghost said, something stupid had to have happened. Personally, I'd like to find out what it was :)

Beware the Chenesaw - GenericKen - 02-12-2006

Holy crap!

Cheny shot a guy! He shot an old man! In the face! With a shotgun!

*freaks out*

Beware the Chenesaw - SwissMercenary - 02-13-2006

This is why guns should be kept out of reach of children.

Beware the Chenesaw - Jester - 02-13-2006

NiteFox,Feb 12 2006, 02:45 PM Wrote:
A somewhat amusing event for all concerned. Well. Except the poor sod shot by Cheney.

Accidents happen, and it's fortunate that this is a less serious incident than most.

Now perhaps all parties concerned will pay special attention to hunting safety lectures in future :)

"Oh, dark lord, take this man, old though he be, in exchange for your sweet, sweet dark power, which I crave. You shall drink deeply of him, and I shall be engorged with unholy vigour..."

He's gotta be in league with the devil. I mean, just look at that sneer. It's like he had it surgically added to his face.


Beware the Chenesaw - Occhidiangela - 02-13-2006

Jester,Feb 13 2006, 12:52 AM Wrote:He's gotta be in league with the devil. I mean, just look at that sneer. It's like he had it surgically added to his face.

I'd go with an example of what your Mom probably warned you about as a boy when you were pulling goofy faces: "Quit making faces, one of them will stick forever."

Bill Watterson did a fantastic Calvin and Hobbs on that premise. :P


Beware the Chenesaw - Occhidiangela - 02-13-2006

NiteFox,Feb 12 2006, 03:45 PM Wrote:
A somewhat amusing event for all concerned. Well. Except the poor sod shot by Cheney.

Accidents happen, and it's fortunate that this is a less serious incident than most.

Now perhaps all parties concerned will pay special attention to hunting safety lectures in future :)
I will point out use of language in this article: to sum up, the message was "Cheney (accidentally) shot someone."

Guns don't accidentally shoot people with birdshot, people accidentally shoot people with birdshot. ;)

This message has been brought to you by the Corpus Christi chapter of Gun Owners With A Clue (GOWAC). No birdshot was wasted, nor shot into anyone's face, in the crafting of this post.


Beware the Chenesaw - Zippyy - 02-13-2006

NiteFox,Feb 12 2006, 05:45 PM Wrote:
A somewhat amusing event for all concerned. Well. Except the poor sod shot by Cheney.

Accidents happen, and it's fortunate that this is a less serious incident than most.

Now perhaps all parties concerned will pay special attention to hunting safety lectures in future :)
He's gangsta.

Edit: Nnnnnnnnnnnnnnah nnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnah Cheney's got a gun, the whole world's come undone!

Beware the Chenesaw - Any1 - 02-14-2006

There seems to be an indication tthat the blame belongs to the guy who got shot. Although, you have to think there's a lot of damage-control in play:

'She said Cheney, an experienced hunter, did not realize Whittington had rejoined the group without announcing himself, which is proper protocol among hunters.

"They had no idea he was there," Armstrong said.

"A bird flew up, the vice president followed it through around to his right and shot, and unfortunately, unbeknownst to anybody, Harry was there and he got peppered pretty good with a spray of 28-gauge pellets," Armstrong said in a telephone interview.'

Beware the Chenesaw - SwissMercenary - 02-14-2006

[Pinko Commie Conspirasist Mode]
All this... Is just practice for when Cheney goes hunting with Bush. :D
[/Pinko Commie Conspiracist Mode]

Beware the Chenesaw - Jester - 02-14-2006

SwissMercenary,Feb 13 2006, 11:07 PM Wrote:[Pinko Commie Conspirasist Mode]
All this... Is just practice for when Cheney goes hunting with Bush. :D
[/Pinko Commie Conspiracist Mode]

What's the expression...

Don't shoot the messenger?


Beware the Chenesaw - Occhidiangela - 02-14-2006

Jester,Feb 14 2006, 01:06 AM Wrote:What's the expression...

Don't shoot the messenger?

He shoots, he scores! ;)


Beware the Chenesaw - Tal - 02-14-2006

NiteFox,Feb 12 2006, 04:45 PM Wrote:
A somewhat amusing event for all concerned. Well. Except the poor sod shot by Cheney.

Accidents happen, and it's fortunate that this is a less serious incident than most.

Now perhaps all parties concerned will pay special attention to hunting safety lectures in future :)

Lawyer Season!
Quail season!!
Lawyer season!!
Quail season!!
Lawyer season!!
Quail season!!
Quail season!!
Lawyer season!!
Quail season!!
I say it's Lawyer season and I say Fire!!

Beware the Chenesaw - Occhidiangela - 02-14-2006

Tal,Feb 14 2006, 10:19 AM Wrote:Lawyer Season!
Quail season!!
Lawyer season!!
Quail season!!
Lawyer season!!
Quail season!!
Quail season!!
Lawyer season!!
Quail season!!
I say it's Lawyer season and I say Fire!!
Here is my theory on the whole event. Dick Cheney had a flash back to 1992, and the beginnings of the Bush 41 re election campaign. His one wish was that everytime "Dan the VP" opened his yap, it could be open season on Quayle for someone other than the Press. :lol:


Beware the Chenesaw - Gurnsey - 02-14-2006

Zippyy,Feb 13 2006, 02:16 PM Wrote:He's gangsta.

Edit: Nnnnnnnnnnnnnnah nnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnah Cheney's got a gun, the whole world's come undone!
Someone's already on that score :)

Beware the Chenesaw - Occhidiangela - 02-14-2006

NiteFox,Feb 12 2006, 03:45 PM Wrote:
I heard on the local news this m orning that the State of Texas is a bit perturbed with VP Cheney, given that he was apparently hunting on a license without the correct stamp for what he was out hunting. Not humans, birds. Humans are always in season, in Texas. ;) That's because we are all well seasoned down here, what with all the Tex Mex we eat . . . sorry about the groaner puns.

Poaching, Mister Vice President? Sounds like a hefty fine. Good. Pay up, or become a fugitive from the State of Texas.

Walker, Texas Ranger: you know what to do!


PS: From this summary of reports on the tempest in a teapot:
Quote:The "Game Law Violated" box was checked, with the violation listed as section "P&W Code 43.652." According to an online rundown on that section, this relates to the lack of the upland bird stamp. The text follows:
"Except as provided by Subsection (B), a person may not hunt a
migratory or upland game bird in this state unless the person has acquired a migratory or upland game bird stamp, as applicable, issued to the person by the department."

"A warning citation--which carries no fine or penalty--will be issued to Cheney, which state officials described as "routine."  Cheney's office said he would promptly send in the $7 for the stamp.  However, as the Dallas Morning News headlined on its Web site, he was, on Saturday, "hunting illegally."

The report, posted at the Smoking Gun site, confirmed the time of shooting of Harry Whittington at 5:30 pm on Saturday and that Cheney was wearing a "blaze orange" cap and "coat/vest" and brown trousers and was toting a Perazzi .28 caliber shotgun.

At the same time, the Kenedy County Sheriff's Office this afternoon issued a press release noting that an "investigation reveals that there was no alcohol, or misconduct involved in the incident." It added that Whittington "collaborated Vice President Cheney's statement," and concluded, "This was no more than a hunting accident."

Beware the Chenesaw - Occhidiangela - 02-14-2006

Returning this topic to the purpose of this board is a dirty job, but someone has to do it.

It just occurred to me that Hunter's can draw agro from the Press monsters, even when not doing much in the way of DPS. ;)


Beware the Chenesaw - gekko - 02-14-2006

Funniest Clip I've seen in quite some time. "Cheney's Got a Gun." Yeah. Pretty darned hilarious.

When I grow up, I want to become the Vice-presidential Firearms Mishap Analyst. Sounds like an entertaining job.


Beware the Chenesaw - Zippyy - 02-14-2006

NiteFox,Feb 12 2006, 05:45 PM Wrote:
A somewhat amusing event for all concerned. Well. Except the poor sod shot by Cheney.

Accidents happen, and it's fortunate that this is a less serious incident than most.

Now perhaps all parties concerned will pay special attention to hunting safety lectures in future :)
Last night's Daily Show "covered" this story. Hilarious, one of the best shows in a while.

It will be on again at 8pm tonight (Valentine's Day) on Comedy Central. Watch if you get a chance.