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Member since 11-Mar-02
05-Apr-02, 11:49 AM (GMT) |
"What's the best high damage char?"
I've been having a lot of fun playing less popular builds: a throwing barb, a melee sorc, a pure trap assassin. They're a challenge to make and they make playing the game much more interesting. All of these characters have gotten through hell, and all of them are able (though sometimes rather slowly) to take out any monster in the game. Now just for the hell of it I want to build something truly powerful. I want to *awe* all the l33t doodz of battle net with the sheer destructive power of my character. But I want to still be able to play anywhere in the game. The char needs to be able to deal with all of hell. So the question is: For high damage monster bashing what's the best build? Firewall sorc with cold backup? WW Barb with a little berserk? Strafing zon? Something I've never seen or heard of? davcol |
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Charter Member
05-Apr-02, 03:54 PM (GMT) |
1. "RE: What's the best high damage char?"
In response to message #0
Well I can help out a little bit. My sister is actually using a WW/Frenzy/Berserk barb and just started on nightmare a couple days ago. She is doing pretty well on "players 8," but damn does everything hit hard. As for me I just started my first zon ever, which will end up being a strafing/multishot zon. I have no idea whether this is cookie-cutter or not, but it is interesting to play. I think, however, that a FW sorc with cold as a backup and maybe a little SF will pretty much destroy anything. -------------------------------------------- If I was psychic, I'd be rich. |
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Charter Member
05-Apr-02, 05:20 PM (GMT) |
2. "There's no best build..."
In response to message #0
...Everything depends on what kind of monsters you're going to fight. Sorcs are better against large groups of regular monsters (because they have a lot of AoE skills to select from), but Barbs and GA Amazons (but not Stafezon *) are better against single target. Also keep in mind that spelcasters (read: Sorcs) are not that item-dependant as fighters (Barbs and 'zons), so it highly depends on what equipment you have already. >So the question is: For high damage monster bashing what's >the best build? Firewall sorc with cold backup? WW Barb with >a little berserk? Strafing zon? Something I've never seen or >heard of? FW Sorc? She's VERY powerful... against immobile target (read: in the Bloody Foothill). Although monsters ignore firewalls, it's not always easy to make them stay still for a few seconds. Try Meteor instead (although it requires some practice to aim correctly). WW Barb? Yes! With 50% physical resistance in Hell he may be not as fast as Sorc against groups, but any single monster doesn't have a chance (except when he's MSLEB with conviction). Amazon? If you have Buriza or Windforce - Yes, sure. But without good (cross-)bow you'll have a lot of fun with her.  *) When Blizzard nerfed Multishot in LoD, they also nerfed Strafe the same way - in 1.09 it fires extra arrows per each friendly unit, but this arrows never hit. Taken into account piercing ability of Guided Arrow, thay is THE spell for powerbuilding. -Epi. |
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Charter Member
08-Apr-02, 08:52 AM (GMT) |
4. "Lets see if this answers your question . . ."
In response to message #0
When I gave my paladin, SaggyMorals, an ethereal ZOD hellslayer (I socketed the axe and made it myself), he did upwards of 12000+ damage a swing -- BEFORE you figure conviction penalties -- when using vengeance. Of course, a barbarian with berserk always does double damage, and my barb did about 10k magic damage with his, so that's like 20k damage a swing. For baal runs, the paladin is better because he can kill the mummies with vengeance, but berserk cannot Vs a monster with another immunity, though, it is a close call between berserk and vengeance, since there is a 50% physical penalty and then a 100% penalty to one of the elements, but about -150% bonuses to the other two elements. Really, it is a preference thing -- with vengeance, you also get life leech/mana leech on the swing, so you don't have to do a lower-damage attack to get back health/life. If you count in those extra swings, vengeance wins hands down  Nebuul |
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True Seeker
Charter Member
10-Apr-02, 03:30 PM (GMT) |
5. "RE: What's the best high damage char?"
In response to message #0
Hey there- Here's my two cents: a multishot/ FA zon using Windorce and a 1.08 Saracen's Chance, firing at 8/2, with a might merc and 400+ dex. If you have never seen a character like this in a game, gentlmen it's awe-inspiring. I was able to witness one of my friends today with said setup, and it was the most destructive things I've ever seen. I don't think there's much that can stand in the way of this setup's killing speed. |
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Charter Member
02-May-02, 03:55 PM (GMT) |
9. "A plea...."
In response to message #7
Hi Wiccan, You seem like a nice fellow, and based on comments you have made, you are niether a child nor a non-English native speaker. Both of those conditions might make me more tolerant of your errors. So, please, please, start using punctuation, grammar and spell-check? Paragraphs would be nice too. I am finding your posts unbelievably frustrating to decipher. "But hope is left when pride is gone, and it keeps you moving on." Ry Cooder, 'The Borderline' |
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Charter Member
02-May-02, 04:30 PM (GMT) |
11. "ARGH"
In response to message #10
The consequences of the "just type as I go and damn the consequences" are that we will all get fed up with your nonsense! You are an adult. Show some consideration for the rest of us and PROOFREAD. I have a son with a learning disability. If he can damn well do it, so can you. Type the whole thing in, and then take that polite pause and proofread it. Fix the errors. Add a little puncuation. Proofread again. And then, and only then, hit the "Post Message" button. Frankly, if this means you are limited in how many posts you can make, due to having to spend time proofing, so be it. A few quality ones will be much more appreciated than any volume of nonsense. I *think* from what I may have deciphered from a few of your posts, that you do have valuable observations to contribute. Please make the effort to make them readable. Courtesy is a valuable trait. "But hope is left when pride is gone, and it keeps you moving on." Ry Cooder, 'The Borderline' |
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Elric of Grans
Charter Member
02-May-02, 05:29 PM (GMT) |
13. "Actually..."
In response to message #12
Hail wiccan, I can appreciate where ShadowHM is coming from, and we do ask that people try to keep their posts readable. Indeed, in my etiquette I have said as much, though I did not directly state it in this manner; Point #3 does indirectly refer to this though. I can also appreciate where you are coming from: I too have a learning disability, and I should also throw in I am Australian and over here they stopped teaching spelling and grammar before I was born. I put in an effort to keep my posts readable, and it doesn't keep my post count down either I should point out :p I do not ask you endevour to keep everything in perfect English - I do not believe I could manage that at all times! - but if you could proof read before posting, it would make it easier for us to consider your point. Part of being a good poster is content, but another part is readability. We should never ask more from people than they can possably do, but posting without first reading over it just once to see if it is clear can be problematic: I know this from experience  May the wind pick up your heels and your sword strike true. Elric's Lurker Lounge Posting Etiquette Elric's Lurker Lounge FAQ Elric's Guide to Cursing (Needs minor updating) |
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Member since 8-Feb-03
02-May-02, 05:39 PM (GMT) |
14. "RE: ARGH"
In response to message #11
LAST EDITED ON 05-02-02 AT 07:29 PM (PDT) listen i dont care what you think, i am alot older than your son 42 years old soon to be 43 you know the old saying "you cant teach a old dogs new tricks"well i learned what i can, i cant help if my genetic make up is flawed in my D.N.A my learning disabilty is harder to over come no mater what i try my spelling was great, then i lost it do to mutation in my brainstem near my learning part this was eaten away from this mutation its rare in my family my great grand father had it skips a generation it acts like i cant remeber the name of it sorry.. but why you complaining when no one else is if there was some iota in your words you would show some people with a dire learning like i said i was always trying to improve my self then to be stricken like a new born babe i think you can understand this if you cant then dont read my post easier on your eyes so dont dare compare me to anyone you think you said one time you thought i was NOT a english native, i know people that have it harder than me i deal with them...and for spell checkers there cost money, i dont have the money to get one.... so behave and respect the ones that try to help them selfs.... ~ the raven gets the worm, the wolf gets the raven, but who gets get the wolf.....? The Cows, the hell cows MOOOO! wiccan-falcon druid 58 wiccan-raven assassin 68 warican converted pike/lance and now bowzon 56 wiccanstar {wifes} pure fire sorc 25 wickedwiccan 55 {first tri-sorc on bnet documented} wiccan rage 65 paladin FOH/vengence/con/conviction.. vindacare 45 paladin {auradin no attack skils kaer-warlock 56 necromanncer{wifes and mine} ] [ |
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Charter Member
03-May-02, 00:31 AM (GMT) |
16. "please don't take it as an attack"
In response to message #14
I don't think that ShadowHM was trying to offend you. But, I'm guessing that she has a hard time understanding your posts, as do I. It's not your spelling. It's the lack of organization- you jump from one thought and idea to another, and don't even separate your ideas into sentences. Once again, please don't take this as an attack. I have no desire to harm you. But, when I can't understand what you have to say, I certainly can't respond to you. If your posts are hard to read, some people might not read them at all. I think ShadowHM was attempting to help you, by pointing out something that you might not have been aware of. I have never seen her needlessly attack or criticize another poster, and I don't know why she'd start now. -Griselda |
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Charter Member
04-May-02, 10:03 PM (GMT) |
18. "RE: no koku with 700+ dex with 200+str"
In response to message #7
No intention to flame or offend, but I really cannot comprehend what you are talking about in the post: ---------- Title: no koku with 700+ dex with 200+str and level 23 staff 191 sa and scaren thast scary knows my zon has it and it has twitch 1.08 and sigons other sa+ and some ats+ things things to get her firing faster than lighting rember this my bowzon was a converted lance zone they need strenght and dex to use them and become faster! ---------- Sounds interesting enough for me to want to know the contents. For one thing, how are you ever going to hit 700+ dex and 200+ str. Even at level 99, you will need to have a total of +350 dex/str on your equipment to reach that number. Unless your entire inventory is filled with +5 str/dex large charms and you are giving up all sorts of IAS, resistances just to get more dex, I don't see how that is possible. Back to your post... the best I can translate it to is something like: level 23 strafe with 191 ??? and saracen's chance is scary. My zon uses that and uses 1.08 twitch, sigons and other ??? and some IAS items to increase her firing speed. Since she is a converted lance zon, she needs strength and dex to use both and become faster?
What does your "sa" and "sa+" refer to? I'm already assuming that "staff" means "strafe" and "ats+" means increased attack speed (IAS), but still cannot make out what the rest of the shorthand represents. No offence, just curious.
Ice(BNR) Shadow Sanctuary |
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Member since 12-Feb-03
11-May-02, 05:59 PM (GMT) |
19. "RE: no koku with 700+ dex with 200+str"
In response to message #18
mmm, 191 is probably 191% ED buriza Are you talking about a Burizon? They're very good but if you want to impress the l33t (what is that word?) doodz in the cow level then it has to be a Lightning Fury Javazon with high pierce I cringe at saying this but you will find you pretty much need Titan's Fury. Sorry, I wish there were a way it could be done cheaply A Conviction/Fanaticism Paladin or Amp/Lower Resist Necro might cause a similar increase in party damage but I don't think the people you wish to impress would realise or care One of my least pleasant experiences was playing a thorns summoner necro in the cow level. It takes a few moments setting up the army and turning the aura on but then you kill as fast as a javazon. But people hate it! Lag this lag that! I had a torrent of abuse almost every game - this from people who were following me around for the protection of my army! Incidentally it's an even more expensive set-up than the javazon |
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Charter Member
20-May-02, 01:12 AM (GMT) |
21. "What about Sorcs?"
In response to message #0
I find strange that nobody mentioned Sorcs in the replies (or did you and I didn't notice? I think not). Although with that kind of equip the Light. Fury Javazon or the Strafe/Multi Shot Bowazon are probably more damage dealing, I'd like to suggest a Nova Sorc with fast cast equip, loads of +skill adders. With Nova, TS, LM, FO & the 1 point CM, SF and Warmth. FO/CM for Backup against imunes (and generally slowing down, as Nova's range is not that big and can be a bit dangerous) will also do some nice damage if you find enough points to max F. Orb (probably diverting from T. Storm). With Light mastery maxed, Nova and TS will both do massive damage, mainly Nova because using fast cast gear you can spam it (a good choice is Skin of Vipermagi armor, that has fast cast and +1 skill, some resists, and the Lidless Wall shield, which has more or less the same in shield form and can easily be socketed with a P. Diamond or Um). Just remember that Nova is probably the most mana costly thing in all game. You will need anything you can spare on Warmth (plan ahead).Orb the monsters if they're not Cold Imune, step up and S. Field them (possibly not pumping this and getting the nova range on SF from all the +skills items) to half life if you are in Hell diff, then Nova them while the TS pounds. I didn't do the math but it is also impressive. And certainly powerful. Might not be as much as the other builds discussed, but I do think it is less equip dependent all in all. Greetings,
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Member since 12-Feb-03
20-May-02, 02:31 PM (GMT) |
22. "RE: What about Sorcs?"
In response to message #21
I refered to an idea, which was Enchant, cast on multizons which is fairly broken. A multizon with near max pierce and high bow skill could fire a 25 shot volley with each arrow piercing 4 times. Enchant would add each time However Enchant isn't as powerful really as it seems on paper - the posts are in the Workshop It led on to posts on Blaze here and in the Workshop which I think is another contender |
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Charter Member
26-May-02, 08:07 PM (GMT) |
23. "RE: What about Sorcs?"
In response to message #21
Well, we all know that in this 1.09 universe, that sorceresses are no longer the uber-char. Sure, when we were all fighting in the land of immobile monsters, notbing could beat firewall when it came to dps. But ##### moves in the cow level, you know. When the amount of fun you have in a game is directly proportional to the amount of exp you cah churn out per minute, I don't see why anybody would play such an inferior class. Except for meph runs, I mean. |
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Member since 12-Feb-03
27-May-02, 10:40 AM (GMT) |
24. "RE: What about Sorcs?"
In response to message #23
>When the amount of fun you have in a game is directly >proportional to the amount of exp you cah churn out per >minute, I don't see why anybody would play such an inferior >class. Is this what you think? As for sorcs one of the main reason they ruled 1.08 is that large amounts of godly gear was not available as it is now Try one when 1.10 starts, you may surprise yourself 
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