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Subject: "Act2 Desert Warrior's Might aura and +skills" Archived thread - Read only
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Member since 1-Feb-03
07-Oct-02, 12:07 PM (GMT)
Click to EMail Karon Click to send private message to Karon Click to add this user to your buddy list  
"Act2 Desert Warrior's Might aura and +skills"
   LAST EDITED ON 08-Oct-02 AT 03:35 AM (GMT)
As normal,+1 to all skill levels and +1 paladin skills can
add the might's slvl of act2 merc(offensive,nightmare).
a hlvl=97 might pet has slvl=29 might.If he wears a shako,
the slvl will be 31.

But it is funny,I found it out in today's tests that the
following "+xxxx" can also add the might's slvl:

"modcode" is all "skilltab" in MagicPrefix.txt
===param==============name in game==================
-----1---------+ Amazon Passive Skills
-----4---------+ Sorceress Lightning Spells
-----7---------+ Necromancer Poison and Bone Spells
----10---------+ Paladin Offensive Auras
----13---------+ Barbarian Combat Masteries
----16---------+ Druid Shapeshifting
----19---------+ Assassin Shadow Disciplines

e.g,if your might pet wears the M'avina's Embrace(+2 passive),
the slvl of might will +2.

Maybe we can deduce that skilltabs with param=2,5,8,...20 or
0,3,6,9....18 can also add other aura's slvl of merc.

the following is only my guess,hoping mighty lurkers can help to prove to be ture or not:
In my mind that defensive skills(param=11)can add the HolyFreeze
aura's level(maybe I remember wrong).so probably param=2,5,8,14,
17,20 skilltabs can also boost the HolyFreeze.And even can say
that param=0,3,6,9...18 can boost the Thorn aura.
I can only guess those above for HolyFreeze and Thorn are not as
easy as might to test :p .Forgive my lazyness.....
and Act1,Act3,Act5 mercs may have the same rule?

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  Subject     Author     Message Date     ID  
  RE: Act2 Desert Warrior's Might aura and +skills Ruvanal 07-Oct-02 1
     RE: Act2 Desert Warrior's Might aura and +skills Karon 08-Oct-02 2
         RE: Act2 Desert Warrior's Might aura and +skills Ruvanal 08-Oct-02 4
             RE: Act2 Desert Warrior's Might aura and +skills Karon 09-Oct-02 5
  RE: Act2 Desert Warrior's Might aura and +skills Erthshade 08-Oct-02 3

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Charter Member
07-Oct-02, 10:49 PM (GMT)
Click to EMail Ruvanal Click to send private message to Ruvanal Click to view user profileClick to add this user to your buddy list  
1. "RE: Act2 Desert Warrior's Might aura and +skills"
In response to message #0
   Gotta run, but all of those that you listed are skill tab 2 in the skills.txt file. May be worth looking at it from that view point. sounds like a possible bug to me.

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Member since 1-Feb-03
08-Oct-02, 03:37 AM (GMT)
Click to EMail Karon Click to send private message to Karon Click to add this user to your buddy list  
2. "RE: Act2 Desert Warrior's Might aura and +skills"
In response to message #1
   LAST EDITED ON 08-Oct-02 AT 11:23 AM (GMT)
>Gotta run, but all of those that you listed are skill tab 2
>in the skills.txt file. May be worth looking at it from
>that view point. sounds like a possible bug to me.

-_-,Thay are from MagicPrefix.txt,not skill.txt.
Sorry.I have modified it.

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Charter Member
08-Oct-02, 09:44 PM (GMT)
Click to EMail Ruvanal Click to send private message to Ruvanal Click to view user profileClick to add this user to your buddy list  
4. "RE: Act2 Desert Warrior's Might aura and +skills"
In response to message #2
   You misunderstand. All the trees that you listed are the ones that are on tab 2. The game appears to be doing a test to see if the modifier is affecting the skillpage 2 without checking to see which class of skills it is affecting.

Example, I took an act 3 Lightning merc and equiped him with +21 Amazon Passive Skills on equipment. The number of charged bolts increased from the few he would normally have when just hired to over 2 dozen with the equipment. Changing the equipment to have +21 Amazon Bow & Crossbow skills would put the number of charged bolts back to what the merc would normally have at that level.

From this I would definately class it as a probable bug. It does make it easier to get their skill levels up as you would only need to find a circlet with +3 to appropriate skill tab (any class) to give them a boost.

Tab 1:
Ama Bow & Crossbow
Sor Fire
Nec Curses
Pal Combat Skills
Bar Combat Skills
Dru Summoning
Ass Traps

Tab 2:
Ama Passives
Sor Lightning
Nec Bone & Poison
Pal Offensive Auras
Bar Masteries
Dru Shape Shifting
Ass Shadow Skills

Tab 3:
Ama Spear & Javlin
Sor Cold
Nec Summons
Pal Defensive Auras
Bar Warcries
Dru Elemental Skills
Ass Martial Arts

To Erthshade,
Prayer is easy to test as it will heal (skill level + 1) in hit points each time that is pulses. This can be fairly easy to measure if you take the time to watch the numbers.

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Member since 1-Feb-03
09-Oct-02, 06:02 AM (GMT)
Click to EMail Karon Click to send private message to Karon Click to add this user to your buddy list  
5. "RE: Act2 Desert Warrior's Might aura and +skills"
In response to message #4
   LAST EDITED ON 09-Oct-02 AT 06:03 AM (GMT)
To Ruvanal:
Aha,I got what you mean,they are all at the page 2 skills,surely .
and the param=2,5,8,11.... are page 3 skills,param=0,3,6... are page
1 skills.

Now it seems every skill in pageX can be boosted by any skilltree at the same skill page(certainly only merc's skill can be boosted).

Another,I find that only one character's all skill bonus can work
to a merc.Act1 rogue only benefits "+x to amazon skill" even I
changed her skill1=Teeth(nec) and skill2=Might(Pal).+nec skill or
+ paladin skill neither can boost any skill above,but +ama skill
can strengthen both Teeth and Might.
(Surely,the appropriate page-skill-tree can also boosted them.)

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Member since 16-Jul-02
08-Oct-02, 11:39 AM (GMT)
Click to EMail Erthshade Click to send private message to Erthshade Click to view user profileClick to add this user to your buddy list Click to send message via ICQ  
3. "RE: Act2 Desert Warrior's Might aura and +skills"
In response to message #0
   >I can only guess those above for HolyFreeze and Thorn are
>not as
>easy as might to test :p .Forgive my lazyness.....

Holy Freeze merc might be easier than you think to test.

First, you've tested this with a Might merc. How about a Blessed Aim one? Results still show in the character screen, and since they're both Offensive mercs the same +skills should work for both of them. If not, well, the next part is worthless.

Test the other +skilltab items with a Defiance merc. When you find the right tab, your DR should go up visibly (provided you're not nekkid ). Those tabs should increase the radius of the holy freeze aura on the NM Defense merc, if the pattern holds (no idea how to test this directly with the merc moving around while the aura pulses).

I haven't the foggiest idea how to test Thorns/Prayer, though. PvP results might get skewed by the merc attacking back with Thorns, and Prayer is just so difficult to gauge anyway. But if the former test works, I'd be surprised if the remaining skill tabs didn't boost the aura level.

-- Erthshade

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